The City of Boise is dedicated to creating an inclusive community for all residents. By reporting accessibility issues, you're directly contributing to the improvement of our city. To make it easier for you to report common barriers, we've provided quick links to specific reporting channels:
Accessibility Requests
If your accessibility issue is not listed above, please complete the following Accessibility Barrier form.

Overgrown bushes hanging over sidewalks creates obstacles for people with guide dogs or those who use mobility devices such as a wheelchair or white cane.

A fallen trash can obstructs a sidewalk forcing a guide dog and handler to enter the street.

Snow-free sidewalks support safe pathways for everyone.
The homeowner or neighboring property owner is responsible for ensuring that overgrown vegetation, snow, or containers do not obstruct the street or the sidewalk. Please work with the homeowner or the City of Boise’s Code Compliance team to resolve these sidewalk concerns.

Vehicles parked over sidewalks creates obstacles for people with guide dogs or those who use mobility devices such as a wheelchair or white cane.

Parking an RV over the sidewalk prevents people with disabilities, especially those who use mobility aides, from using the sidewalk fully.

Parking your vehicle up on the sidewalk makes more street space but blocks pedestrians.
Parking RV’s or vehicles over or on the sidewalk prevents people with disabilities from safely navigating our neighborhoods. Contact the City of Boise’s Parking Enforcement team to report a parking violation.

E-scooters and other clutter can block a wheelchair ramp from deploying onto a sidewalk.

Parking in pedestrian paths makes travel difficult for people who have vision or mobility impairments.
If you see an e-device obstructing a public sidewalk or blocking access at an ADA parking stall, please notify the City of Boise’s Code Compliance team by filing a complaint.

Significant bumps, cracks, slopes, or damage to sidewalks can be trip hazards or cause a wheelchair to tip.
ACHD maintains the structural integrity of most sidewalks and is responsible for ensuring it is in good repair. Please work with the ACHD team to report structural sidewalk issues.
Ada County Highway District
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Thank you for your interest in the City of Boise's Office of Community Engagement. Please use the form below to reach out to our team.