Fingerprint Scheduling

In an effort to provide more flexibility for our local child care providers outside of business hours, the City of Boise is offering extended availability for fingerprinting appointments. Appointments for child care workers and facility owners are available on Tuesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. After hours fingerprinting is by appointment only.

Fingerprinting appointments for completed applications/renewals of all license types are available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Thursday fingerprinting appointments are available 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

One helping another hand fingerprint onto a paper with a pad of ink and papers on the table

City of Boise Fingerprint Scheduling

After completing your application or renewal for a city issued license, schedule an appointment for fingerprinting at Boise City Hall, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Thursday fingerprinting appointments are available 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Please note: Fingerprinting done at Boise City Hall is for city issued licenses only. City of Boise licenses requiring fingerprinting include:

  • Business Driver
  • Childcare Facility
  • Childcare Worker
  • Immobilization Service
  • Massage Establishment
  • Non-Consent Tow Company
  • Precious Metal Sales or Pawn
  • Security Company
  • Security Personnel
  • Taxi Business
  • Temp Merchant, or Solicitor

Schedule Appointment

How to Schedule an Appointment

  1. Complete your application or renewal
  2. Click on the “Schedule Appointment” button, you’ll be taken to a Microsoft Bookings page.
  3. Select a date and time for your appointment from the available options. Please try to select a time you know you’ll be available to meet.
  4. After picking your date and time, enter your name, phone number and email address. Staff will use this information to get a hold of you in the event the meeting needs to be moved or cancelled.
  5. Click the “Book” button.
  6. Once the appointment is confirmed, you’ll get an email confirmation message.

Modifying Your Appointment

  1. You can modify your appointment by clicking on the “Manage booking” button in the confirmation email you received.
  2. After clicking on the “Manage booking” button, you’ll be taken to meeting confirmation page you saw after you booked your appointment. Here you can click on either the “Reschedule” button or the “Cancel appointment” button.
  3. Reschedule: You can select another date and time for your appointment. Bookings will remember the information you entered for your appointment, so there is no need to add additional information. After you’ve selected a new appointment time, click the “Update booking” button. A new confirmation email will be sent to the email address you entered.
  4. Cancel Appointment: Click “Cancel booking” to cancel the appointment. A cancellation message will be sent to you.

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Send a Message to City Clerk

Please fill out the form and a representative from the city will be in touch with you.