The City of Boise now allows you to apply for your license online. First time users of this system will be required to set up an account.
Before applying, you must have approval of your taxi color scheme. Requirements are as follows:
- Each owner of a licensed taxicab vehicle or fleet of vehicles shall submit a distinctive and uniform color scheme to the City Clerk for approval prior to making application for a taxicab license under Title 5 of the Boise City Code.
- Each designated color scheme shall not conflict with or imitate any color scheme, monogram, name or insignia used by another concern, unless approved by such concern, in such a manner as to be misleading or tend to deceive or defraud the public.
- The body of each taxicab shall have, painted upon it or permanently affixed to it by means of a plate or other device approved by the City Clerk, the trade name under which the owner operates, together with the cab number of the vehicle.
- All the lettering mentioned in this paragraph shall not be less than two inches (2") in height.
- New, additional or repainted vehicles will conform to the approved scheme and all vehicles shall display the approved scheme, trade name and cab number at the time of inspection.
- If you have questions regarding the approved color schemes of any licensed Boise City taxi company, please call (208) 972-8150.
Once you've logged in, click "Apply > License" in the menu bar. Select Taxi Business Application in the menu.
Note: your application is incomplete until you have completed a background check and fingerprinting, which is conducted in person at City Hall.