Fireworks in Boise

Be Safe When Celebrating with Fireworks

If your celebration is going to include fireworks, it is important to understand the rules related to fireworks and some basic safety when lighting and disposing of fireworks.

In the City of Boise, it is lawful to sell and use "safe and sane fireworks" beginning at midnight June 23 until midnight July 5 and beginning at midnight on December 26 until midnight on January 1.

Fireworks are not allowed in Boise City parks and please remember parks close at sunset.

Fireworks are prohibited in the Boise foothills (see additional information below).

Before Lighting Fireworks

Taking these steps before lighting fireworks can help you be prepared, and have a safer celebration.

  • Use legal fireworks, available at licensed outlets.
  • Store fireworks out of reach of children.
  • Always read and follow label directions.
  • Place pets indoors; they may be easily frightened by fireworks.
  • Always have water handy (garden hose or bucket of water).

When Lighting Fireworks

  • An adult should always light fireworks.
  • Keep matches and lighters away from children.
  • Use fireworks outdoors only.
  • Light only one firework at a time and move away quickly.
  • Keep children and pets away from fireworks.
  • Always remember, do not throw fireworks or hold in your hand.

After Lighting Fireworks

Use these tips to help clean up and dispose of your fireworks.

  • Soak used fireworks thoroughly in a bucket of water.
  • Dispose of used fireworks and debris properly.
  • Never re-light a "dud" firework (wait 15-20 minutes and then soak it with water).

Here are some suggestions for the Boise Fire Department to help you enjoy your fireworks for the 4th of July.

Dangerous and Prohibited Fireworks

These are examples of fireworks NOT considered "safe and sane" fireworks:

  • Fireworks containing explosive material that will burn or deflagrate when ignited. Examples include, but are not limited to: firecrackers, cherry bombs, M-80s.
  • Fireworks that leave the ground of their own accord, or fly when tossed into the air. Examples include, but are not limited to: skyrockets, bottle rockets, mortar shells, Roman candles.
  • Fireworks designed for ground or near ground use that travel outside of a fifteen (15) foot diameter circle.
  • Fireworks designed for ground or near ground use that, as a means of propulsion, emit showers or sparks longer than twelve (12) inches.
  • Fireworks designed for use from a stationary position that emit sparks, showers, or flaming balls, vertically more than twenty (20) feet; or from which discharged material falls beyond a twenty (20) foot diameter circle.

Foothills Ban for Fireworks

Fireworks, of any kind, are NOT allowed in "the foothills", as defined by Boise City Code. Additionally, it is unlawful for any person to ignite any open flame in this same area.

The foothills, as per the City Code, are defined as the area of the Boise Foothills which fall into the following boundary:

"An area bordered on the north and east by the City boundary and on the south and west by the center of Hill Road, beginning on Hill Road at the western most City boundary, following the center of the following streets:  Hill Road easterly to N. 13th Street; N. 13th Street southerly Heron; Heron easterly to N. 9th Street; N. 9th Street southerly to Lemp; Lemp easterly to N. 8th Street; N. 8th Street southerly to Brumback; Brumback easterly to N. 7th Street; N. 7th Street southerly to Alturas; Alturas easterly to N. 5th Street; N. 5th Street easterly to Sherman; Sherman southerly to North Sky; North Sky westerly to Ada, Ada easterly to N. 4th Street;  N. 4th Street westerly to N. 6th Street; N. 6th Street easterly to Fort; Fort easterly to Cunningham Place; Cunningham Place easterly to Collins; Collins easterly to Mountain Cove; Mountain Cove southerly to Reserve; Reserve easterly to Avenue H; then the south and west border shall be the north and east curbs of the following streets; Avenue H southerly to Logan; Logan easterly to Floral; Floral easterly to Krall; Krall easterly to Walnut: Walnut southerly to East Franklin; East Franklin easterly to Coston; Coston easterly to Hillview; Hillview easterly to Bacon; Bacon southerly to Warm Springs; and Warm Springs easterly to the east City Boundary." (Ord. No. 5667, Enacted, 10-10-95) 


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