Knox Box
The purpose of this procedure is to clearly define the requirements for commercial building key boxes including; approve key box types, key box ordering, key box installation, securing of key boxes and updating of existing key boxes.
The International Fire Code (IFC), as amended by Boise City Ordinance, requires key boxes for all structures with fire alarm or fire sprinkler systems which are connected to a monitoring service. The required key box for the Boise City Fire Department (BFD), Whitney Fire Protection District (WFP) and North Ada County Fire & Rescue District (NACFR) is the KNOX-BOX manufactured by the KNOX Company.
Boise City Fire Department requires the 4400 Series KnoxBox. The fire code official may approve use of the 3200 Series based on written request with prior authorization for review. Electronic tamper alerts on either the 4400 or 3200 Series are not required.
Online Ordering Instructions
- Visit the KnoxBox website:
Launch Site to knoxbox - Select the purchase option, enter location, and select Boise City Fire Dept as the first responder agency.
- Select the KnoxBox model you are interested in. Large, multi-story or multi-tenant buildings require the 4400 Series.
- Add the selected items to you cart.
- Upon notification that a KnoxBox has been ordered, the Boise Fire Department will notify the contact email on the application with information on which fire station to contact for lock-up.
- When the KnoxBox is received, proceed to next section for installation instructions.
- The KnoxBox should be mounted on the address side of the building near the main entry between 5 and 6 feet above finish grade, measured to top of the box. Clarifications regarding alternate key box locations shall be directed to the Boise Fire Dept Prevention Division at 208-570-6500.
- If no fire alarm control panel or annunciator is provided at the main entrance, and access to the sprinkler riser room can be gained directly from the outside; the key box may be located adjacent to the door providing access to the sprinkler riser or fire alarm control room.
- Installation shall comply with the mounting instructions included with the KnoxBox.
- Assemble and label all of the following keys for placement into the Knox Box as follows:
Master key to all entrances including mechanical, electrical, and fire riser rooms.
Access control cards
Roof access
Elevator keys
Gate codes and padlock keys
Fire alarm panel key
Other keys at the discretion of the fire code official - The minimum number of key sets should be as follows:
1-2 stories = 2 sets
3 and more stories = 4 sets
>100,000 sq. ft. = Contact fire code official
Multi-Tenant - Master key or one set per tenant - Contact the nearest fire station or district fire inspector to request an appointment to secure the KnoxBox.
- The fire station and/or district fire inspector will verify keys and labeling, and lock the KnoxBox.
Change of Locks
Any change of locks or keys shall require the owner/occupant to provide new keys to the fire department. To have keys added or replace please follow the procedure below:
- Contact the nearest fire station or district fire inspector to request an appointment to secure the KnoxBox.
- The fire station or district fire inspector will set up an appointment to change the keys, verify labeling and lock the box.
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