3.08 Health Trustees - Policy

Document Type: Policy
Number: 3.08
Effective: 12-01-06
Revised: 02-15-11
Legal References: I.C. § 41-4001
et seq.


The Health Trustees are responsible to Boise City, and any public agency employer who enters into a Joint Powers Agreement, to provide health-related benefit programs that will enhance Boise City’s total compensation philosophy. The Trustees are bound to do this in a manner that upholds their fiduciary responsibility. As such the Trustees will provide legal compliance review and financial projections for requested plan design changes brought forth from the Executive Management Team, the Mayor and City Council, and/or the governing Board of any Joint Powers public agency. The Trustees shall have final approval on all financial issues related to health-related benefit programs within the confines of the appropriated budget, applicable laws, and governing rules. The Mayor and City Council retain ultimate authority over the Trust through their ability to limit budget appropriations and/or for cause replacement of Trustees, as allowed by the Trust Agreement.

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