Document Type: Regulation
Number: 6.01a
Effective: 10-28-13
Legal References: I.G.S.H.S. 30
The City of Boise is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. To further this commitment the City has implemented a variety of regulations designed to ensure a safe and healthy workplace. Employees are expected to act with the utmost regard for the safety and health of their co-workers, the public, and themselves at all times.
This regulation applies to all employees of the City of Boise.
All employees at all levels are expected to adopt and foster a safety culture. The following are the City’s expectations and responsibilities for various levels of authority:
A. Department Directors:
The Department Directors and their appropriate designees will provide leadership in safety activities and comply with those safety policies as an example for all others.
B. Managers, Supervisors, and Lead Employees
Managers, Supervisors and Lead Employees are key in the implementation and application of safety practices in the workplace. They are expected to know the details of each job they supervise in order to recognize hazardous situations. Their knowledge of the work environment and of the work being performed make them most qualified to translate accident and injury- prevention principles into actual safety practices, on the job and at the work site. In addition to the specific responsibilities within this regulation, department managers, supervisors and lead employees are required to do the following:
1. Promote and encourage safe practices;
2. Provide adequate job training and safety instruction to all employees;
3. Provide safety instruction to employees before new work assignments to focus employee attention to potential hazardous exposure and changes in work conditions or procedures and post warning signs of hazards in the work areas;
4. Participate in training courses designed to increase their professional awareness and knowledge of safety supervision principles and techniques;
5. Observe, inspect, and evaluate work conditions, facility safety, and work procedures to detect and correct unsafe conditions and practices and insist on good housekeeping practices. A Job Hazard Analysis form in the Personal Protective Equipment regulation can be used to help identify potential hazards in the workplace;
6. Promptly investigate, identify and implement preventative and corrective measures as appropriate, and complete required documentation for all job accidents;
7. Be receptive to, and encourage employees to report unsafe practices or conditions and to submit practical suggestions for correction without fear of repercussion or reprisal;
8. Ensure that tools, equipment and protective devices are properly maintained, used and appropriately stored when not in use;
9. Become thoroughly familiar with and actively enforce all safety procedures applicable to the work they supervise;
10. Review safety rules and procedures with new employees, pointing out the possible hazards involved in doing the job;
11. Review accident reporting procedures and the Employee Policy Handbook with new employees; and
12. Make recommendations for disciplinary action when deliberate safety violations occur.
C. Employees
All City employees are required as a condition of employment to develop and maintain safe work habits and to contribute in every manner possible to the safety of themselves, their co-workers, and the general public.
Employees are required to do the following:
1. Immediately report all accidents, unsafe practices, and conditions to their supervisors;
2. Comply with the all of the City’s regulations pertaining to safety;
3. Successfully complete required training;
4. Cooperate with and assist the investigator or supervisor investigating accidents to identify causes. Offer corrective solutions without fear of repercussion or reprisal; and
5. Become familiar with and observe approved safe work procedures for their work activities.
D. Risk and Safety Services
Risk and Safety Services will provide risk management and occupational safety & health support and services to all departments and employees and facilitate compliance with federal and state occupational safety and health regulations. The Risk and Safety Services team will:
1. Administer and process Workers’ Compensation Claims;
2. Perform statistical analysis to determine trends, problem areas and overall safety performance of each department;
3. Conduct and/or facilitate inspections (including safety and industrial hygiene assessments and those required by safety oversight regulators and insurance companies) of City operations and provide necessary instructions and guidance to achieve compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
4. Conduct follow-up investigations, when necessary, of accident/ injuries occurring in City operations to determine causes and recommend preventative measures;
5. Administer and facilitate the City’s Safety and Health and Loss Control Programs; and
6. Offer employee training through a variety of delivery methods, and make available to departments a solution for tracking employee training.