Document Type: Regulation
Number: 6.01g
Effective: 10-28-13
Legal References: I.G.S.H.S. 60
29 C.F.R.
The purpose of this plan is to provide for the safety of employees and visitors of City- owned and operated facilities during emergency situations.
Preparation is the best defense to minimize workplace emergencies. Risk and Safety Services will coordinate emergency preparation activities for City Hall. Designated individuals from Fire and Police will coordinate emergency preparation activities for City Hall West. The Boise Airport will have an emergency preparedness plan in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations.
Other City-owned and operated facilities should designate personnel to develop a site- specific evacuation plan for employees to review. Each plan should contain:
A. The name and address of the building;
B. Emergency contact information for response services (9-1-1) necessary work group numbers (facility maintenance, supervisors, etc.);
C. A list of contact information for evacuation leaders who sweep designated areas of the facility;
D. Primary and secondary meeting locations for fires, storm shelters, and shelter in-place locations; and
E. Evacuation maps that identify emergency egress routes, with the location of fire extinguishers and wall-mounted pull fire alarms noted.
A template to document the above information can be found in Exhibit 6.01gg. Upon request, Risk and Safety Services will support organizing emergency planning activities for City owned and operated facilities.
When orienting new employees and volunteers, supervisors or their designee shall ensure new employees are informed of and provided a copy of the facility’s emergency evacuation procedures, and information on any additional duties they may be requested to perform in the event of an emergency. On an annual basis supervisors or their designee should review emergency response procedures with their employees.
Each City-owned and operated facility should have designated Evacuation Leaders who sweep designated areas including cubicles/offices, break rooms, and restrooms, to ensure everyone is out, or if people cannot evacuate on their own. These Evacuation Leaders should have a means of accounting for missing employees such as an employee roster. Floor Monitors will fulfill the role of Evacuation Leaders for the purposes of City Hall Emergency Response activities.
Each City-owned and operated facility should have emergency evacuation maps posted in common areas and in conference/meeting rooms.
No one shall re-enter an evacuated building until they have been instructed it is safe to do so by Emergency Services.
The procedures outlined below are the minimum general response procedures for City- owned and operated facilities. Additional procedures may be needed for those employees who have additional roles or responsibilities (such as shutting down specified equipment, if safe to do so), or modified to fit the needs of the facility.
A. In the event of Fire
1. If you witness a fire, pull the nearest alarm and proceed to the nearest exit. If an employee has been trained to do so and it is safe, they may attempt to use a fire extinguisher to stop small stage (wastebasket- size) fires. After you are in a safe location, report the fire by dialing 9-1- 1.
2. When a fire alarm sounds all employees shall evacuate their occupied facility and proceed directly to the facility’s designated meeting area.
3. Do not use an elevator to evacuate a facility. If it is safe to do so, employees should secure any sensitive information or areas and turn off electrical equipment before exiting. Office doors and windows should be shut before exiting, but do not lock doors to offices or conference rooms.
4. If members of the public are present, employees should direct them out of the building. If an employee encounters someone needing assistance, the employee can accompany the person to a safe area (typically a stairwell). If it is safe to do so, stay with the person until rescue services arrive. Request others who are evacuating to notify an Evacuation Leader of your location.
5. When employees have made it to the meeting area, they shall check in with their designated Evacuation Leader. Employees shall not leave the meeting area until they have checked in with their Evacuation Leader (or Floor Monitor at City Hall).
B. Weather-Related Emergencies
1. Flood
Some City facilities are located in areas where they are at a higher risk for flooding. Depending on the type of flood warning, the response by employees may be different;
a. Flash Flood – Employees should immediately seek higher ground.
b. River Flooding – Employees working at facilities that could be threatened by river flooding should regularly monitor the weather and river conditions for increases in threat to their facility. If the flood has been predicted to threaten their facility, managers and maintenance employees may organize and deploy sandbags, only if it is safe to do so. When it is anticipated that sandbags will not control the flooding, employees and members of the public should be evacuated from the facility to safe locations higher in elevation.
c. Flooding caused by damaged/broken equipment – When equipment damages occur that causes localized flooding within a City facility all non-essential employees and members of the public shall be removed from the area and electrical equipment should be shut off as soon as possible if safe to do so. When flooding continues to threaten a facility, managers and supervisors should determine if a full evacuation is necessary.
2. Severe Thunder and Windstorms
When severe thunder or windstorms pose a threat to work performed outdoors, supervisors shall use their discretion to determine if it is safe for employees to continue the work. In the event of lightning and/or high winds employees should stay indoors and away from windows and doors, preferably in the basement or lowest building level. If the facility does not have a basement, go to the center of an interior room on the lowest level. If you are outside and no shelter is available, lie flat in a nearby ditch or depression and cover your head; be cautious for potential flash flooding or flying debris.
C. Earthquakes
During an earthquake, if indoors, employees should get under a sturdy table or desk, or stand in a strong doorway. Watch for falling and sliding objects. Stay away from windows, outer walls and outside doorways. If an employee is in an elevator, attempt to stop at the nearest floor, exit the elevator, and take cover against the interior wall. If employees find themselves outside during an earthquake, they should move to an open area, staying away from trees, power lines and other structures that may fall.
D. Bomb Threats and Other Workplace Violence
1. Bomb Threat
A bomb threat exists when an explosive or dangerous device has been reported. All employees, especially those who answer telephones routinely or handle mail regularly, should become familiar with the Bomb Threat Checklist in Exhibit 6.01ggg and keep it next to their desk phone.
2. Workplace Violence
See the City’s Violence-Free Workplace regulation for details on what to do in the event of a workplace violence incident.
EXCEPTION: During an emergency the Executive Management Team may use their discretion to determine if it is appropriate to meet at the same or an alternate location as all other employees and should notify any Evacuation Leader (floor monitor) of their status.