Document Type: Regulation
Number: 6.01j
Effective: 10-28-13
Legal References: I.C. 5-337
First aid is emergency care provided for injury or sudden illness before emergency medical treatment is available. Prompt, knowledgeable treatment of injuries may prevent minor injuries from becoming major ones.
All employees are responsible for immediately reporting all workplace injuries and illnesses to their supervisor (See Employee Incident/Injury Reporting and Workers’ Compensation Regulation for additional details). When it is questionable as to whether onsite first-aid or professional medical attention is needed, call 911. No employee should attempt to rescue any other person unless properly trained and qualified or required to do so as a part of their job duties. Employees may administer first aid in an emergency situation on a voluntary basis. Anyone providing first aid shall follow the Communicable Disease Exposure Control regulation.
A. Required Certification
Anyone who is required to perform first aid as a part of their assigned job duties shall maintain a nationally recognized certification, e.g. American Heart Association, or American Red Cross.
B. Emergency Transport
In life-threatening conditions, when serious injuries are sustained, or if the victim is suffering chest pain, immediately call 911. Under no conditions should an employee in need of emergency medical treatment be permitted to drive themselves to the emergency room or preferred medical provider.
C. Non-Emergency Transport
There may be non-emergency cases in which an injured/ill employee needing professional medical attention could be transported to the hospital by another City employee in a City vehicle. Non-City employees shall NOT be transported in City vehicles for medical care other than by employees of the Police or Fire departments when it is the most efficient means of transport and the employee and/or public safety will not be compromised.
Each department shall ensure that First Aid Kits are readily available for employees to use. Upon request, Risk and Safety Services is available to provide recommendations on the number and locations of kits that a department wishes to supply. All kits should have at a minimum the identified contents found in Exhibit 6.01jj. Kits may be augmented to provide supplies for the typical nature of injuries which the employees may encounter for their department or division. Each City Vehicle should be supplied with a first aid kit.
First aid kits shall be restocked as necessary. Departments may choose to designate employees or a vendor to monitor and restock first aid kit supplies.
Where the eyes or body of any person may be exposed to injurious or corrosive materials, suitable facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body shall be provided within the work area for immediate emergency use.
Expected AED users, i.e. certified first aid providers, shall be trained to deploy AED. Departments shall arrange for inspection and maintenance of the AED unit(s) within their facilities. The department shall notify Risk and Safety Services in order to coordinate training on the AEDs and the City’s AED database.
A. Inspection and Maintenance
Employees shall refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations for inspection and maintenance and document inspections (Exhibit 6.01jjj).
B. Notifying EMS
Any person who renders emergency care or treatment to a person in cardiac arrest by using an AED must call 911 as soon as possible.
C. Post Use Protocol
Deployed AEDs shall be delivered to Risk and Safety Services immediately or as soon as possible so the unit can be promptly replaced. The employee who deployed the AED shall complete an AED Deployment Event Summary (Exhibit 6.01jjjj) with their supervisor. One copy of the form is to be sent to Risk and Safety Services, who will forward it to the oversight health care professional.
Risk and Safety Services will review post-event reports in consultation with the oversight health care professional, evaluate the effectiveness of the internal response procedures, and provide feedback to the rescuers. Areas to be evaluated will include response times and intervals for each activity done during the incident.