Document Type: Regulation Number: 7.01a
Effective: 05-01-06
Revised: 09-05-08
Legal References: I.C. §§ 45-606
Separation of employment from the City of Boise can occur for several different reasons. In order to ensure uniform and consistent procedures for employee separations, the City of Boise has established rules applicable to all such separations.
Based on the type of separation the following rules shall apply:
A. Resignation
In order to resign in good standing employees shall give their supervisor written notice at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the employee’s last workday. The notice shall then be forwarded to Human Resources. An employee’s supervisor may choose to waive the fourteen (14) day notice requirement if he or she believes individual circumstances warrant it. If the fourteen (14) day requirement is waived, a written resignation letter is still required. The City of Boise may deny any request by an employee to rescind a resignation.
B. Termination
Employees who are terminated are given notice in accordance with the Corrective Action and/or Performance Management policies and regulations.
C. Layoff
If it becomes necessary to reduce the workforce, employees affected by the reduction in force are given notice in accordance with the layoff policy and regulation.
D. Retirement
The City offers various benefits to retiring employees. The requirements to receive these benefits are outlined in the City’s policies, regulations, or plan documents. Employees who plan to retire from the City shall notify Human Resources and their supervisor in writing at least 45 calendar days before their planned retirement date. Failure to do so could result in payment delays. Employees who separate from the City prior to attaining PERSI retirement eligibility, but are later approved by PERSI for a Disability Retirement, may be considered an eligible PERSI retiree by the City for up to one (1) year after separation.
E. Eligibility for Rehire
Former employees who were terminated, resigned in lieu of termination, had poor performance records, quit without proper notice, or were not in good standing with the City are not eligible for rehire.
All City property shall be returned at or before the time of separation, including but not limited to:
A. City credit or purchasing cards
B. City uniforms or clothing
C. Mobile devices and/or pagers
D. Employee identification badge
E. Keys to City vehicles and buildings
F. Computers, laptops, PDA’s etc.
G. Tools or other equipment
H. City issued parking permit
I. Any other City property in possession of the employee
J. In-home City phone service shall be terminated and City equipment returned
Failure to return items may result in criminal charges.
Regular employees separating employment are asked to complete the City’s electronic exit survey. The survey is not required, but strongly encouraged. The purpose of the survey is to get a departing employee's opinions about working at the City of Boise, including what the City does well and what needs improvement.
Employees are encouraged to be honest, candid, and forthright in completing the survey and providing feedback to the City. Human Resources will compile the information and send it to the employee’s Department Director. Personal exit interviews are also available to employees by contacting Human Resources.
On or prior to the last day of employment, employees shall return all company property to their supervisor. Final paychecks will be issued on the next regular payday or in ten days (excluding weekends/holidays) whichever is sooner. If the employee gives the HR Payroll office a written request for earlier payment, the employee will be paid within 48 hours (excluding weekends/holidays) of receipt of the request or the last day worked, whichever is later.
Employees are also responsible to:
A. Submit a timely written letter of resignation or retirement, when applicable.
B. Complete an electronic exit survey or contact Human Resources to schedule a personal interview (optional).
C. Ensure that all City property is returned no later than the last day worked.
D. Provide Human Resources with a current forwarding address to ensure that benefits and tax information are received in a timely manner.
When an employee separates from the City of Boise, the department supervisor is responsible for the following:
A. Complete a Status Form and forward it to Human Resources along with the written resignation. This should occur upon receiving the employee’s written notice of separation.
B. Encourage the employee to complete an exit survey.
C. On the employee’s last day of work, notify IT and Security to remove network passwords and access codes.
D. Ensure that all City property is returned prior to the last day of employment.
E. Ensure all City purchasing and credit cards are returned to Purchasing prior to the last day of employment.
F. Immediately notify the HR Payroll office of the employee’s final date in pay status and ensure all time, unused vacation leave, and/or compensatory time (non-exempt employees only) is recorded in Sum Total.
G. Ensure that any money owed to the City by the employee (payroll loans, telephone bills etc.) is paid back either by payroll deduction authorized by the employee or that other arrangements are made with the City’s accounting office to repay the money.
H. Ensure that any money owed to the employee by the City (mileage reimbursement etc.) is paid back either by payroll or that other arrangements are made with the City’s accounting office to repay the money.
I. Complete a Separation Checklist Form (see exhibit 7.01b) for all regular employees and send it to Human Resources for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file.
For employees with insurance benefits, the medical, dental, and vision insurance coverage will continue through the end of the month in which the employee separates employment. Upon separation, workers are provided with information about their rights to continue participation in the City's group health plan.
Employees resigning or retiring from employment may not use accrued leave for the purpose of extending their resignation or retirement date. The separation date for employees who call in sick on their final day(s) of work may be moved back to the last day the employee actually worked.
In the event of a negotiated separation, accrued vacation leave may be substituted for proper notice or to extend the employment benefits of an exempt or non-exempt employee with the approval of the Mayor or designee and in coordination with Human Resources. Accrued compensatory time may be substituted under these circumstances for non-exempt employees only.