As part of the City of Boise’s overall Limited English Proficiency Assessments (LEP) plan, PDS will implement this plan to ensure meaningful access to its programs and activities by LEP persons. The plan will be updated on a biennial basis.
PDS LEP Assessment and Plan
Four Factor Analysis
- The number or proportion of LEP persons served or encountered in the eligible service population. Because of the nature of the programs included in PDS, such as Housing and Community Development (HCD), the number or proportion of LEP persons encountered by PDS is the same or higher as that in the general population of the City of Boise.
- The frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with the program. The PDS team has contact with LEP persons needing language or interpretation assistance approximately three to four times per month. This contact occurs primarily at the front counter and involves building permits and/or inspections and zoning information.
- The nature and importance of the program, activity or service provided by the recipient to people’s lives. Persons needing building permits are required to first obtain zoning approval (permits are required for any sort of addition to or remodeling of homes). Additionally, persons desiring to operate a business – either in a home or a commercial district – must first obtain zoning approval. The codes and terminology used in PDS are not well known even by most non-LEP persons, so for those with a language barrier obtaining permits and approvals can be quite daunting.
- The resources available to the recipient and the costs. PDS has made “I Speak” language cards available at the front desk. In addition, several PDS team members are fluent in Spanish, the predominant language of LEP persons. Another team member speaks Serbo/Croatian. Team members have also taken advantage of the Boise Police Department interpreter contact list and Language Line Solutions. Some PDS documents are available in Spanish and translation to other languages can be made available.
Department Plan
PDS will frequently survey team members for instances and frequency of contact with LEP persons. LEP persons will most often be identified by their inability to communicate well in English.
“I Speak” cards are available at the front counter. Google Translate has been installed on its website and team members may access Google Translate on their computers. Team members who speak Spanish and Serbo/Croatian will be made available for public assistance on an emergency basis only. Public notices and documents issued by PDS will contain a statement that language assistance is available upon request.
In addition to the training provided by the City, PDS will ensure that team members understand Title VI and Executive Order 13166 LEP responsibilities. Training will also be provided on language assistance services offered by the City of Boise, specific procedures to be followed when encountering LEP persons, and how to access and use the Police’s Contract Interpreter’s list and Language Line Solutions.
PDS has posted a notice at the front counter that language assistance is available and will train team members in the use of “I Speak” cards and Google Translate. In addition, “I Speak” cards will be available at public meetings.
PDS will monitor and update this plan on a regular basis, but not less than triennially. PDS will review the number of LEP persons encountered and whether their needs were meaningfully met. PDS will consider whether new documents and services need to be made accessible for LEP person, will monitor changes in demographics and types of services and will make changes to the plan when needed. PDS will also look at any complaints received and learn how to better serve the LEP population through those complaints.
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