Youth Climate Action Council

Learn more about the Boise Youth Climate Action Fund

Youth Climate Action Council Logo of shapes making up an image of Earth

The City of Boise is taking bold steps to address climate change by involving youth leaders in driving climate solutions. The Youth Climate Action Council, made up of students from across the city, brings valuable climate action perspectives to the table.

Council members not only provide feedback to administration, but imagine, strategize, and implement climate action projects while raising awareness and engaging Boiseans on solutions. The council's initiatives influence the way Boise responds to climate change, ultimately making our city more resilient.

City of Boise staff equip the council with the tools they need, while council co-chairs lead the group and ensure plans are made by the youth and for the youth.

Applications for the 2024-2025 Youth Climate Action Council have closed. If you are interested in applying for the 2025-2026 cohort, you can apply here. Applicants must reside in Boise, and be enrolled as a high school student in the 2025-2026 academic school year.

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