Improve your swimming skills, enjoy the fun of swim team, and compete in swim meets against other city teams and private club teams. Participants must be able to swim 25 yards prior to the first practice. Swimmers will compete based on their age as of June 1. Coaches will train swimmers in the four competition strokes based on age and ability. This program is not for non-swimmers. All meets begin at 5 p.m., unless otherwise noted. Team sizes are limited, and registration is on a first come basis. Team shirts are included in the registration fee, but not guaranteed if registered after Friday, May 16.
Open to all youth ages 5-18 who are NOT year-round competitive swimmers. Swimmers who train and/or compete in organized competitive swimming at any time between January 1 through July 19 are not eligible for this program. Swimmers must compete in at least 2 dual meets to enroll and participate. Parents/guardians must volunteer for at least 2 swim meets, plus championships.
Practice begins on Monday, June 2 and the Championship Swim Meet is on Friday, July 18 and Saturday, July 19.