Afterschool Programs

2024-2025 Kid City Registration Information

Kid City is a free after school program that takes place at several elementary schools in the Boise and West Ada School Districts. The program is available for students in the 1st-6th grade and all students must sign up in advance, and pay a small registration fee ($20). Kid City offers homework assistance, youth sports, recreation programming, STEM activities, art projects, games and a healthy snack. Space is limited and many sites are full for the school year.

Registration for Kid City After School Program begins at 7 a.m., Monday, August 5 for Boise city residents and at 7 a.m., Wednesday, August 7 for non-residents.

Enroll Today

Boise Parks and Recreation partnered with the Boise and West Ada School Districts to provide the space for these enriching programs. All sites are closed on holidays and weekends.

Scholarships available for qualifying youth.

2024-25 Parent Handbook

2022 Annual Report

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For other after hours park related emergencies (i.e. irrigation issues, restrooms), please call (208) 489-6640.