Coed Winter Volleyball League

This league is open to players of all abilities, power division is our most competitive and competitive 1-7 is our most recreational league. Teams play one game per week on the assigned night of your division. The city provides one referee per game and the top 50% in each division will move into a single elimination bracket.

League Information

Registration Dates: October 16-November 3

Eligibility: 16+, Coed/Mixed Gender

League Play: November 27-February 23; 8 regular season games

Team Fee: $384
Non-Resident Fee: $20
Top 50% of each division move to a single elimination tournament

Divisions: Coed Power, Competitive 1-7 (7 being the least competitive)

  • Mondays: Power/C4
  • Tuesdays: C1/C5
  • Wednesdays: C2/C6
  • Thursdays: C3/C7

Locations: Fort Boise Community Center, Fairmont Junior High School, South Junior High School, Timberline High School

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