Spring Men's and Women's Volleyball

Volleyball leagues are a great way to stay active year-round with friends and family! Join our 6-on-6 indoor volleyball league, with all levels of play available. Teams play 8 league games with a single elimination tournament for the top 50% finishers. Game times run 6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m.

League Information

Registration Dates: January 22-February 9

Eligibility: 16+, Women’s and Men’s

League Play: March 4-May 17

Team Fee: $384
Non-Resident Fee: $20
Single Elimination End of Season tournament included for top 50% of each division.


Men’s: Power, Competitive 1-3 (3 being the least competitive)

Women’s: Power, Competitive 1-7 (7 being the least competitive)

Mondays: Power / C4

Tuesdays: C1 / C5

Wednesdays: C2 / C6

Thursdays: C3 / C7

Locations: Fort Boise Community Center, Fairmont Junior High School, South Junior High School

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