Purchase Wood Products

Mulch sales have ended for the year. Plan is to restart in March 2025.

Boise Community Forestry has mulch and wood available for sale in varying quantities throughout the year. These products are one of our efforts to recycle wood from the pruning and removal of trees in Boise's city forest. Mulch and firewood are available at the Community Forestry office, which is located at 4969 Dorman St Boise, ID 83705.

For mulch sales, please call 208-608-7600 ext. 1.

Please call (208) 608-7700 to schedule firewood (log length) pick up.

Wood Product Information & Fees


Our mulch is considered a medium grade mulch. Most trees or limbs removed from our parks or along the public right-of-way are run through a chipper. Once a year, we process a big mountain of collected chips in a tub grinder. At that point, the mulch is ready for sale.

  • By the Cubic Yard: Mulch is available for $21 (includes sales tax) a cubic yard. Our staff can load the mulch for you into an open bed pick up or trailer.
  • By the Bag: Mulch is available for $6 a lawn size bag (includes). If buying by the bag, you need to bring your own bags and shovel and load the mulch yourself.

Firewood (log length)

Firewood is sold in log length and sales must be scheduled in advance. Please call (208) 608-7700 to schedule or with questions about wood sales.

This firewood is not cut and split, it is sold in log length. We do not offer delivery, so please bring your own truck or trailer. All wood must be taken as is, we do not allow cutting on the premises. We are only available to load firewood on Friday mornings, and you must call in advance to schedule a time. Bring a tarp to cover your load as required by Ada County Highway District.

Firewood pricing:

  • Cubic Foot: $0.86 (includes sales tax) per cubic foot.

Wood Working

Don’t forget to check with us for wood that might be suitable for your furniture making, wood turning and craft projects. Prices are the same as for the firewood.

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