John Lynn Driscoll (President, First National Bank)

Burial Date: March 12, 1977
Location: Section M-175-4
President, First Security Bank of Idaho
With wise planning and the bold use of red and black paint, J. Lynn Driscoll prevented a panic from shutting down the last bank in Boise.
In August 1932, two of the capitals three banks had closed their doors-Boise City National and First National Bank of Idaho. That left First Security Bank, managed by Driscoll.
As lines formed Wednesday morning, August 31st, he was ready for the run. He had ordered one million dollars in extra currency from the Federal Reserve Bank in Salt Lake City. His tellers were told to pay all comers, but not to act in too hasty a manner. He had intended for the bank to close at noon in support of the Western Idaho Fair but early that morning, he reversed his decision.
He and his employees prepared to work until midnight and engaged a sign painter to paint a sign saying "For the benefit of our patrons This Bank Will Be OPEN UNTIL LATE TONIGHT. If You Want Your Money Come and Get It!" The sign was hung before the paint was dry. One customers said "If you've got my money, I guess I really don't want it. But if you haven't got it, then by heaven, I want it now and in full!".
First Security stayed open until 9 p.m. and survived the panic.
Two months later the First National Bank reopened with substantial help from Driscoll and the federal government.
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