8th Street Mobility Improvements

Greenbelt Improvements Near N. 8th Street

Construction near the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial and the Boise River Greenbelt has started. Construction fencing is installed around the project area. The work will take four to six months to complete.


  • The path will be widened and re-aligned through the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial to improve traffic flow and safety.
  • Additional signage is being added to educate users related to speed and navigation through this popular area.
  • Adding a series of security cameras and lighting updates for safety and security.


  • Public access to the North half of the Memorial will be closed for the entire project. The Outdoor Classroom area will remain open for the duration of the construction.
  • Users accessing the Greenbelt from S. 8th Street will be impacted. There will be a signed detour for pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • Users travelling east and west on the Greenbelt path adjacent to the memorial will not be impacted.
Detour Map for 8th Street Realignment Project


Construction and the associated detours have been setup in anticipation of work to start, with completion expected in early June. The City of Boise will work with the various project managers to keep the public updated if that timeline changes.

The project involves many different stakeholders who are all committed to improving this important public space and transportation corridor. However, the City of Boise is the lead agency over the project.

The 8th Street pathway connection to the Boise River bridge and Greenbelt traverses the Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial in a way that diminishes the experience of both the pathway and Memorial and creates unsafe interactions between cyclists and visitors passing through to the Memorial. Therefore, the primary objective of this project is to establish a stronger, more distinctive relationship between the public realm of the Greenbelt and 8th Street, and adjoining uses – particularly the Wassmuth Center and Anne Frank Memorial.

  • The 8th Street pathway will be widened and re-aligned through the Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial to improve traffic flow and safety.
  • Additional signage is being added to educate users related to speed and navigation through this popular area.
  • Adding a series of security cameras and lighting updates for safety and security.
  • Public access to the North half of the Memorial will be closed for the entire project. The Outdoor Classroom area will remain open for the duration of the construction.
  • Users accessing the Greenbelt from S. 8th Street will be impacted. There will be a signed detour for pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • Users travelling east and west on the Greenbelt path adjacent to the Memorial will not be impacted.

Pedestrians will be detoured around the closed Memorial via River Street and 9th Street. Bicyclists will be detoured via River Street and Pioneer Pathway. Signs will be posted, and users are asked to stay out of all fenced and closed areas for their own safety.

Guho Corp is the general contractor completing this work.

Construction projects are estimated to be completed in Fall 2025.

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