Borah Park is a 13-acre site featuring an outdoor pool, splash pad, community garden, small picnic shelter, reservable picnic shelter, playground, open play areas, restrooms, chess tables and public art.
Hours of Operation
Park is open from sunrise to sunset.
There is parking available on site.
Restrooms are now closed and park drinking fountains are turned off for the winter.
For a list of restrooms and portable restrooms that are available year around in parks and the reserves, click link below.
Portable restrooms are provided throughout the winter.
Borah has a large shelter that may be reserved for events, picnics and ceremonies. The small shelter is available at a first come, first served basis.
Park Map
Features & Amenities
Community Garden
Garden Location: 6643 W. Cassia St.
Contact Person:
Fees: Determined by the Borah Neighborhood Association
Hours Required?: Determined by the Borah Neighborhood Association
This garden was started with a Mayor's Neighborhood Reinvestment Grant of $30,611. Boise Parks and Recreation provided design and technical assistance at no cost to the Borah Neighborhood Association. The garden gets its water and electricity from the adjacent Borah park site and Boise Parks and Recreation staff inspects the garden once a week for unsafe conditions, weeds, and vandalism. The Department must approve all signs and changes to any structures in the garden (sheds, shade structures, etc.) before they are installed. The Borah Neighborhood Association is responsible for all maintenance, weed control, operation of the irrigation system, administration of the plots, debris removal and safety.

Open Play Areas
Open play areas are cut grass spaces that provide opportunities for healthy recreational activities for people of all ages.
Playground is suitable for ages 2-5 and 5-12. Swingsets are available. Playground surface is wood chips.

Constructed and opened in 1969. A 220,000 gallon pool great for recreation or lap swimming. It has two diving boards. It's a great place during the summer months!
Borah has a large shelter that may be reserved for events, picnics and ceremonies. The small shelter is available at a first come, first served basis.

Restrooms are now closed and park drinking fountains are turned off for the winter.
For a list of restrooms and portable restrooms that are available year around in parks and the reserves, click link below.
Portable restrooms are provided throughout the winter.
Splash Pad
The spray pad has various water features for kids of all ages. Open daily from 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. Memorial Day through Labor Day. There is no admission fee for the spray pad. It is located in the park north of the main pool entrance.

Smoking Prohibition
Smoking and vaping are prohibited in all City of Boise parks, including within 20 feet of the Boise River Greenbelt, except in designated areas within Ann Morrison and Julia Davis Parks and at city-owned golf courses.
Unauthorized vehicles will be towed at owner's risk and expense. You can contact Boise Valley Towing by calling (208) 389-9707.
Master Plan
The Master Plan is a concept drawing illustrating recreation facilities and landscape features planned for a park site. It does not necessarily represent what amenities are currently in a park.
About Borah Park
The original property for the park was acquired in June 1965. In 2010, the park was expanded with the addition of a 4.6-acre undeveloped parcel on the west side of the park.
In 2011, the park designation was changed from a neighborhood park to a community park, making the site eligible for improvements funded by impact fees generated by new residential construction.
Public Art
Neighborhood Swim by Elizabeth Wolf