12/23/24: Slopestyle trails are closed due to wet conditions.
Boise Parks and Recreation is seeking feedback from users of the Boise Bike Park. Take the quick five-question survey here. Thank you for sharing your experience.
About the Park
The J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation Bike Park has been designed to accommodate multiple skill levels from beginner to expert.
Similar to a ski resort, the trails are marked with a green circle for beginner, blue square for intermediate, black diamond for advanced, and double black diamond for expert. There are also two asphalt pump tracks popular with kids and adults. Users should always scope out the degree of difficulty of a trail or feature before riding.
The bike park is maintained by Boise Parks and Recreation. Do not attempt to rebuild or alter features within the bike park. If something within the park needs attention, contact us so a trained staff member can assist.
No pets are allowed in the bike park. Service animals are welcome. Additionally, all alcoholic beverages including beer and wine are prohibited at this park.
Safety Information
- Riders should always wear helmets and make sure the equipment they are using is working properly before hitting the trails or features.
- E-bikes, e-scooters and motorized vehicles of any kind are prohibited inside the bike park.
- All park users are expected to ride according to their skill levels and abilities. Start small and work your way up. If you ride above your skills level, serious injury or death could occur. Please ride safely and watch out for others.
- Pedestrians and spectators should stay off terrain features and trails for their own safety. Benches are placed throughout the park for safe viewing.
- The bike park is not supervised. All users ride at their own risk.
Use the Map
The Bike Park has a sign with a detailed map of the different tracks, marked with appropriate skill levels. Please review the map before attempting any of the runs.
Trail Ratings
Trails are rated as any of the following:
- Beginner (Green Circle)
- Intermediate (Blue Square)
- Advanced (Black Diamond)
- Expert (Double Black Diamond)
Ride within your ability. Start small and work your way up. You assume all risk.
Hours of Operation
Open Sunrise to Sunset, weather permitting
The Boise Parks and Recreation Department has the authority to close the park at any time. This could occur due to adverse weather conditions when it rains or snows. If trails or features inside the park are muddy, please do not use them. Erosion can occur when wet conditions persist, and some park features may become unsafe to use.
If the park is closed for inclement weather, a notice will be posted on this web page and on the official Facebook page for the J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation Bike Park.
Parking for bike park users is available on the berm next to the park on a first come, first served basis. Overflow parking is also available across Mountain Cove Road in the Fort Boise lot for park users and those hiking or biking in Military Reserve. Please be safe and use the crosswalk if you park at Fort Boise Park.
Features & Amenities
Cross Country Trails
The cross-country trails around the perimeter of the bike park are beginner level, offering all skill levels a set of trails to ride around the park, over some obstacles and through some different terrain. The main trail is designed at a width to accommodate all access, including foot traffic, bikes and adaptive bikes.

Pump Tracks
There are both beginner and advanced pump tracks at the bike park. These asphalt pump tracks provide endless loops for riders with rolls and curves that keep the bike in motion with limited pedaling and braking required. The more advanced track has higher rolls and steeper banked curves that can allow for jumps. Please use the paved entrance and exit points to access these amenities. While there is no set direction, users should follow the lead of others on the tracks to avoid collisions.
Slopestyle Trails
The slopestyle trails are signed for skill levels from beginner (green circle) to expert (double black diamond). The beginner trail offers smaller mounds and spacing of elements that allows riders to control their speed. There is one jump in the beginner trail that can be by-passed as needed. The other trails in this section offer multiple ways of approaching jump features from more advanced to less technical approaches.
All park users are expected to ride according to their skill levels and abilities. Start small and work your way up. If you ride above your skills level, serious injury could occur. Riders should always wear helmets and make sure the equipment they are using is working properly before hitting the trails or features. Please ride in the appropriate direction and keep clear of trails and features when you are not riding.

Smoking Prohibition
Smoking and vaping are prohibited in all City of Boise parks, including within 20 feet of the Boise River Greenbelt, except in designated areas within Ann Morrison and Julia Davis Parks and at city-owned golf courses.
Unauthorized vehicles will be towed at owner's risk and expense. You can contact Boise Valley Towing by calling (208) 389-9707.
Goatheads at the Park
Goatheads, also known as Puncturevine, Devil’s Thorn or Tribulus terrestris, are a common weed in the Boise foothills and the bike park and are known for their pesky fruits that attack shoes and bike tires.
What's Being Done
During construction, the soils in the bike park were tilled to break up the root system of the goathead plants and seed mixes have been applied to the landscape areas that will, when established, help choke out the goatheads. Boise Parks and Recreation, along with numerous volunteers including Weed Warriors, SWIMBA (Southwest Idaho Mountain Bike Association), and NICA (Idaho Interscholastic Cycling League) have spent many hours walking the site and pulling goat heads. In fall or spring 2020, a pre-emergent will be applied that will prevent seeds from germinating and spot spraying of exiting weeds will occur to prevent the seeds from forming.
Will This Prevent Goatheads?
Probably not, however, this will help control the goatheads and over the next year we should see a significant reduction.
What You Can Do
Most importantly, stay on the trails. This will help stop spreading of the seeds within the park. Please plan ahead and carry patch kits, extra tubes or install slime in bike tubes. If you remove goatheads from your shoes or tires, please dispose of them in the trash cans and don’t throw them back on the ground.
If you are interested in lending a hand to remove goat heads and other weeds at the bike park, please contact Boise Parks and Recreation for volunteer opportunities at (208) 608-7600. Together we can make a difference!
Send a Message to Parks and Rec
For other after hours park related emergencies (i.e. irrigation issues, restrooms), please call (208) 489-6640.