Born March 10, 1828, Zybrechken on the Rhine, Germany
Died February 22, 1906, Boise, Idaho
Alexander Rossi came to the United States in 1846 at the age of 18. He remained on the east coast until 1849, when he joined the ranks of "Forty-Niners" heading for the California gold fields. He later moved to Oregon where he became a quarter-master for the Army during the Native American Wars of the mid 1850s.
Rossi moved to Idaho City, Idaho in 1862. There he spent about three years in the lumber business. He became a resident of Boise in 1865 and established sawmills in the city under the name of Roby and Rossi. He was assayer in the U.S. Assay office in Boise. He planned and constructed the Ridenbaugh ditch.
In February 1873, Rossi married Adeline Mullen, a widow with two daughters. This union produced two sons and a daughter.