Responsible Person Certification
The Responsible Person (RP) program provides construction site erosion and sediment control training and certification to the Treasure Valley construction community. Construction sites with significant earth disturbance are required to designate onsite personnel with valid Erosion and Sediment Control Responsible Person (RP) certification license(s) prior to permit issuance by City of Boise, ACHD, City of Garden City, and City of Nampa.
The Responsible Person training class covers:
- Negative effects of construction site erosion and polluted stormwater
- Local permit requirements and processes
- Principles of erosion and sediment control and pollution prevention
- Proper design and installation of Best Management Practices
- Performing site inspections, corrective actions, and other requirement necessary to comply with municipal and state stormwater permits
Plan Designer Certification Discontinued
The ESC Plan Designer Certification is no longer required for ESC/SWPPP submittals. Please refer to the City of Boise ESC Plan Template and ESC Plan Review Checklist in ESC Documents for further information as well as the links in the ESC Resources. If you are interested in having a training class for Plan Design, please contact the training providers.
For any questions, please contact the ESC Inspectors.