Consolidated Plan

Exterior of Adare apartments in Boise

Investment in Our Community

Every year, the City of Boise receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to address a wide range of community development needs, including community improvement projects and projects that focus on low-to-moderate income households.

Funding Community Improvements

CDBG funding is intended to be used for the development of viable urban communities by providing the following in low-to-moderate income areas 

  • Decent housing 
  • Suitable living environment 
  • Expanded economic opportunities 

The funding can also be used to provide public services for low-to-moderate income households.

What is the Consolidated Plan?

According to HUD, the Consolidated Plan "helps states and local jurisdictions to assess their affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions, and to make data-driven, place-based investment decisions."

2021-2025 Consolidated Plan

Annual Action Plan

Each year, the City develops an Annual Action Plan that provides information about how funding will be used in the community. In Program Year 2024 (Oct. 1, 2024 - Sept. 30, 2025), the City will receive $1,410,241 in CDBG funds and $677,559 in HOME funds. This funding, along with resources that were not spent in the previous year, will be invested in projects that support the goals and needs identified in the Consolidated Plan.

Specifically, in the next year, the City will continue to operate its Home Improvement and Homeownership Opportunity Programs, provide funding to local organizations offering services to community members, and invest in opportunities to develop affordable housing.

The community is invited to provide feedback on the plan from June 7, 2024 through July 7, 2024. Feedback can be sent via email to or by mail to City of Boise, ATTN: HCD, PO Box 500, Boise, ID 83701.

A public hearing will also be held to provide more information about the plan and hear comments from interested community members. The hearing will be held on June 26, 12:00 - 1:00, at City Hall (150 N. Capitol Blvd.) in the Tablerock Room and virtually.

The hearing location is accessible to persons with physical disabilities Participants may request reasonable accommodation and/or language interpretation/translation to facilitate participation by contacting the City’s Housing and Community Development Division between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm at (208) 570-6834, (800) 377-3529 TTY or by facsimile at (208) 384-4195.

PY24 Annual Action Plan

Boise City Hall from the front

What Funding Can and Cannot be Used For

CDBG Funds Can be Used For

CDBG Funds Cannot be Used For

Mortgage down payment assistanceConstructing housing or government buildings
Public improvements (parks, sidewalks)General government expenses
Public services (childcare, job training)Financing political activities
Economic developmentPurchasing equipment
Housing rehabilitation to make homes more energy-efficient/accessible/safeOperating and maintenance expenses

The HOME program provides funding for building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rental or homeownership.

City of Boise Projects Funded by CDBG and HOME

The City of Boise has invested funds into community projects, such as: 

  • All-accessible playground at Hillcrest Elementary 
  • Picnic shelter at Grace Jordan Elementary School 
  • New sidewalks along Canal Street  
  • Art in the medians along Vista Ave. 
  • Transit improvements along Vista Ave. (shelters, benches, bike racks and art) 

As well as assistance and loan programs for income-qualified individuals and affordable housing projects: 

  • Between 2018-2020, the City of Boise provided 31 loans worth nearly $4 million to income-qualified individuals and for the development of affordable housing. 

Funding Distribution

Individuals and families whose income is at or below 80% Area Median Income may qualify for services.  

Income Guidelines

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