Renter Protections

With a goal of improving housing stability and access for Boise residents, the Boise City Council has created several protections for residents who rent their homes in Boise. These protections put limits on application fees charged, prohibit landlords from retaliating against tenants for making repair requests or raising safety concerns, require that landlords provide tenants with a notice of their rights and responsibilities under the law, and establish that security deposits will be returned in full when a tenancy is ending as a result of demolition or substantial renovation.

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Renter Protections

Prohibiting retaliatory conduct

Establishes that renters are able to:

  • Raise concerns about a potential violation of a building, safety, or health code;
  • Make repair requests;
  • Become a member of a community resident association; and
  • Retain counsel

Potential retaliatory actions include terminating a tenancy, refusing to renew, increasing rent, decreasing services, or harassing tenants.

Notice of landlord and tenant responsibilities

Requires that landlords provide new tenants with a notice of landlord and tenant responsibilities.

Document will be created, maintained, and made available online by the City; landlord provides URL link to the tenant or provides printed version if requested.

This document will include information about the rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants under city and state law, may include other resources.

The notice of landlord and tenant responsibilities can be found here.

Prohibiting source of income discrimination

Prohibits a denial of tenancy based on an applicant’s lawful, verifiable source of income

Note: does not apply to landlords who own and self-manage two or fewer units

  • Defines “source of income” as any lawful, verifiable source of money, including child support, savings, public/private subsidy, etc.;
  • Does not prohibit use of other screening criteria;
  • Does not prevent a landlord from evicting a tenant who does not pay rent or otherwise violates the lease agreement;
  • Does not restrict a landlord’s ability to set rents.

Source of Income Discrimination FAQ

Full security deposit return

Establishes a rebuttable presumption that security deposits will be returned in full when renters are being permanently displaced by demolition or substantial remodel.

Rental Application Fees

Passed in 2019, this ordinance requires transparency around rental application fees

  • Requires that landlords provide screening criteria to potential applicants, including the amount that will be charged for the application fee
  • Limits application fees to no more than $30
  • Requires an explanation and receipt detailing how the fee was used, including copies of paperwork generated as a result of the screening
  • Requires that landlords only advertise, take applications, and screen applicants for units that will be available within a reasonable time period

See the Renter Protections ordinances

Ord-37-23 - Non-Discriminationord-35-23 - conduct, notice, security depositsChapter 16 - Rental Application Fees

Report Concerns

Violations of any of the above ordinances can be reported by submitting the form below or by phone at 208-972-8150 (option 4).

Complaints must be filed within 6 months of the alleged violation. Email if you have any questions.

* Required


We Heard You

These protections were created with regular feedback from renters, landlords, and anyone impacted by these provisions.

Community Outreach Report

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