Business and Retail
Crime Prevention
The Boise Police Department has developed a cooperative relationship with agents from a large number of local businesses. This partnership allows for sharing of critical information with law enforcement and other businesses. These relationships have resulted in a number of arrests for a variety of fraud, theft, even violent crimes. Our goal is to work with retailers and the Boise business community to reduce robberies, retail theft and fraud, crimes that have significant impacts on consumer prices, and to reduce other crimes associated with businesses.
Services Available:
- Burglary prevention
- Robbery prevention and procedures
- Shoplifting prevention and safe practices
- Employee theft prevention and detection
- Vendor theft
- Check and credit card fraud
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
- Business security surveys and risk assessment
- Workplace violence response, prevention, and response
- Active shooter awareness
- Emergency procedure planning
- Other training customized to meet you individual business needs
To schedule a visit or for more information, please contact us.
Prevention Tips:
- Have adequate lighting both inside and outside of your building
- Maintain unobstructed visibility around windows and doors
- Keep only a minimum amount of cash on hand
- Use a floor safe or a floor-bolted safe to secure cash
- Install an audible security alarm system
- Install video surveillance cameras on entrances/exits and all areas where money is exchanged and handled.
- Make sure all exterior doors have high security locks
- Utilize glass re-enforcing film or security bars on windows
- Vary the times and methods when making bank deposits
Robbery Prevention
In an effort to keep our community safe, the Boise Police Crime Prevention Unit offers training on robbery prevention and procedures to local businesses. The training covers proven prevention methods that can make a business a less appealing target for a robbery, as well as procedures employees should follow in the event of a robbery.
The Crime Prevention Unit also conducts business security surveys. During a security survey a crime prevention representative will come to your business and, after conducting a walk-through, offer suggestions on how to enhance the security of your business.
If you are interested in these programs, or any other assistance, please contact us.
Workplace Violence
Workplace Violence is an issue that can affect any workplace, both small and large. Workplace violence is defined as any physical assault, threatening behavior or verbal abuse occurring in the work setting. According to OSHA, around 2 million US workers are victims of some kind of workplace violence each year.
Workplace violence costs employers billions of dollars each year due to lost work days, lost productivity, medical bills, security costs and other related expenses.
Training and Services Available:
- Developing risk assessment teams and company response plans
- Workplace personal safety
- Protecting targeted employees
- Dealing with difficult clients, customers, and people
- Business security surveys
- Active Shooter Response training
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Commonly referred to as CPTED, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design is based on the theory that proper design can lead to a reduction in fear of crime and thus a reduction of crime itself. The two basic goals of CPTED are to discourage inappropriate behavior while promoting positive interactions.
Principles of CPTED
- Natural Surveillance – arranging signing, landscaping, and other features to maximize visibility. Proper lighting of entrances and exits is a good example of maximizing visibility at night.
- Access Management – controlling people coming and going from a space. Locks on doors or gates can provide access control.
- Territoriality – defining your personal space and showing pride and ownership.
- Physical Maintenance – the general upkeep and repair of the environment. Spaces that are well maintained show ownership and promote safety.
CPTED reviews are done by the staff of the Boise Police Crime Prevention Unit and include reviewing site plans and existing buildings.
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