100% Clean Electricity by 2035
The City of Boise adopted a goal of 100% citywide clean electricity by 2035. The electricity goal, as well as goals around natural gas and geothermal energy, is part of an initiative called Boise’s Energy Future. The initiative focuses on achieving clean electricity and efficiency actions for the entire city. Switching to clean electricity will support Boise’s economy by investing in local clean energy sources, and will help reduce reliance on fossil fuels from other states and foreign countries.
Clean Energy Plan
The city developed a community-wide clean energy plan that outlines six actionable electricity strategies that demonstrate a cost-effective path to 100% clean electricity.
Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency has an important role in achieving the city’s clean electricity goal because it reduces the need for additional electricity generation. The City of Boise continues to partner with our electricity and natural gas utilities to ensure the maximum amount of energy efficiency, often the lowest cost resource, is available and pursued by our municipal operations, residents, and businesses in our community.