Community Compost Giveback

Application and Waiver

Neighborhood groups, community organizations and groups of at least five households are all welcome to apply. If approved, the City of Boise will deliver approximately 20 - 25 cubic yards of compost at no cost. For more information, please contact us or call 208-608-7506.


  • Giveback deliveries must be in the City of Boise.
  • Compost is for neighborhoods, groups of neighbors and community groups.
  • When unaffiliated groups of neighbors apply for delivery, a minimum of five households who participate in the compost program must be accessing the compost delivery.
  • Each community giveback must designate a site for delivery. The location must not block storm drains, roadways or sidewalks and must be safe for delivery and loading material.
  • If the organizer is not the property owner of the delivery location, the organizer must obtain signed consent from the property owner on behalf of the city.
  • The organizer must develop a communications strategy to inform the community of this opportunity, such as announcements via neighborhood social media, email groups, websites or meetings.
  • The organizer is responsible for managing giveback safely and responsibly.
  • The organizer must develop a plan to use any leftover compost. The city will not pick up any unused compost.

Delivery Requirements

  • How much is 20 - 25 cubic yards? For reference, 20 - 25 cubic yards of compost will measure approximately 15 feet wide by 15 feet long by 5 feet tall. The delivery truck needs a turnaround area of at least 70' with a dumping area of at least 16' x 20'.
  • The truck needs a height clearance of 14 feet. The dumping area must be free from power lines, tree branches and structure overhangs.


To keep compost giveback safe and fair, applicants must follow these rules:

  • The city does not provide compost for any commercial operation through this program.
  • It is forbidden to sell, re-sell, or trade any goods or services for compost.

For any questions about compost giveback, please complete this contact form below or call 208-608-7506.

Applicant Information

Giveback Information

Giveback Site Approval Checklist

I have reviewed and agreed to the following declarations and terms in accepting possession and use of, compost from the City of Boise Curb It Program: 1. I hereby agree, to the best of my ability, to ensure that any and all compost materials received from the City of Boise (the “City”) will be used for personal, nonprofit, and noncommercial use. I further certify that material obtained from Curb It and the City will be used solely for its intended purpose as soil amendment, top dressing, soil improvement and mulch. 2. I certify that compost material delivered to the designated site will be distributed among participating residents in my area. I further agree that the material will be cleaned up and removed from the designated giveback location within seven days of delivery. 3. I acknowledge that the compost was produced at the City’s Twenty Mile South Compost Facility from materials collected through the City’s residential compost collection program and is provided AS-IS. Compost is derived from recycled sources and may contain a small percentage of foreign material. I further acknowledge that because of the nature of the source, despite reasonable effort and care by City staff, the City makes no guarantees, assurances, or warranties as to identity, character, condition, purity, or safety of the compost. 4. I hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City and any of its officers, officials, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims of damages or loss against the City and its officers, officials, employees and agents arising out of the loading, unloading, use, or possession of the compost delivered to me.

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Please note: If you have a question about your bill, please contact Utility Billing Services.