Ustick Irrigation District Incorporation

Your Vote Needed to Keep Access to Irrigation Water

Because you have water rights from the Nampa and Meridian Irrigation District, delivered through the Ustick Ditch (Colles Lateral #5568), you are a member of the Ustick Ditch Water Users Association. The current manager of the association is retiring and has asked that the City of Boise take over management, which requires a majority vote from association members.

Phosphorus Removal irrigation drain with shrubbery around the water canal

Ballots will be mailed in September and need to be returned by October 15th. The outcome will be determined by a simple majority vote. Any ballots not returned will be considered “no” votes.

City takes over ownership, maintenance, and repairs of the ditch
Landowners (regardless of whether you receive water) are financially and legally responsible for maintenance and repairs of the ditch and piping
Irrigation water continues to be provided for outdoor irrigationIrrigation water likely will not be supplied next year, and members would need to irrigate with water from their drinking water provider
Cost of water for irrigation stays lowCosts will be set by drinking water rates
The Ustick Ditch Water Users Association will be dissolvedThe Ustick Ditch Water Users Association will exist without leadership

If You Do Not Currently Receive Water You Still Need to Vote

If the Ustick Ditch is incorporated into the City of Boise municipal system, the city may be able to provide you a connection to the ditch or pipe to deliver irrigation water to your property.

Additional Information on Easements

If a portion of the ditch, pipe, or other component runs through your property, an easement agreement between you as landowner and the city, will be sent with the ballot. If the incorporation passes, the easement agreement will define the city’s obligations and responsibilities to you in accessing the ditch.

About the City of Boise’s Municipal Irrigation System

The City of Boise owns and operates a Municipal Irrigation System made up of pressurized irrigation systems, pump stations, headgates, drains, and other components and equipment to deliver irrigation water to Boise neighborhoods that are incorporated into the city’s system.

Providing irrigation water through the Municipal Irrigation System is just one part of the city’s actions to protect and manage our water resources. By using the right water for the right purpose— irrigation water for irrigating lawns and gardens and drinking water for human consumption—the city can work to conserve and sustain local water supplies for the future. Irrigation water is usually a more cost-effective option for landowners.

If you have any questions, contact us at 208-608-7173 or email John Gunnerson at

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