Water Use Increase

City of Boise Water Renewal (sewer) charges are based on two water use readings taken at your water meter by Veolia each year between October and April. Your rate is determined by the average of these two readings. A significant increase in water usage measured in these readings will result in an increase in your Water Renewal (sewer) bill.

If you experienced increased water usage between October 15 and April 15 due to an unforeseen circumstance, such as a leak or temporary increase in household size, you may be eligible for an adjustment to your Water Renewal (sewer) bill. To request a water use increase adjustment, please submit the following form and provide us documentation of the item that caused the increased water use. Without the full and complete requested information, the request will be denied.

All adjustments are completed for the next billing cycle unless disputed within 15 days of receipt of the bill.

Account Information
Increased Water Use Information

Documentation - You are required to provide a copy of the repair invoice (if repaired professionally), a copy of repair receipts (if repaired by self) AND a copy of the Veolia Water meter readings showing reduced water consumption after repair.
* Required

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