A Message from Mayor McLean

July 20, 2020

A Message from Mayor Lauren McLean 

Dear Boise,

This Tuesday, we understand that some Boiseans again plan to peacefully protest, exercising their due rights to free speech and assembly. I embrace these rights wholeheartedly; they’re the essence of who we are and the expectations we have as Americans. We speak out. We hold our leaders accountable. And we move, ever onwards, in hope of a more perfect union.  Peacefully.

But we have also learned that there are malicious forces who seek to capitalize on Boiseans protesting their city government. Factions - many from outside of our community - will again come to our great city and seek to intimidate, threaten, and incite violence, all at the very time our community is most in need of unity and compassion. We must not let ourselves get distracted by the efforts of a vocal minority or be pulled into violence they seek to instigate. As a city, we will not tolerate violence, and will hold those accountable.  
So, out of an abundance of caution and desire to keep our people safe and sound, I am urging Boiseans to avoid assembling downtown on the evening of Tuesday, July 21. As a mother, I am asking you to keep your children at home. And, as someone who loves this city dearly, I’m asking you to stand with me in rebuking tactics that will tear us apart.   
To be clear: we will not stand for violence of any form. We will swiftly hold accountable those who choose violence.

To protect our singular and special Boise community, we must reject outside forces who seek to divide us, and we must reject those who would seek violence in the midst of peaceful protest.

On Tuesday, we are prepared to do just that, and I call upon each of you to commit to the same. I believe in us, Boise. I believe in our ability to come together through adversity, to rise to the occasion, and to stay grounded in our shared commitment to each other and this very special place we call home.

Please be safe.

Mayor Lauren McLean

Contact: Mayor's Office Media Relations

(208) 972-8520 | info@cityofboise.org

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