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In the Know e-Newsletter
May 19, 2023
It was my honor to give the 2023 State of the City Address on Thursday at JUMP. Getting the chance to share our successes as a city and outline my vision for the future is a privilege that I don’t take lightly.
We have taken on some ambitious plans and projects over the last four years, and I’m incredibly proud of all that we’ve accomplished together. This includes new housing projects like State and Arthur, where city land was used to incentivize a partnership with CCDC and Pacific Companies to make homes accessible along an important transportation corridor. Housing incentives are also a component of the city’s new, modern zoning code. This important update will create homes of all shapes and sizes that blend into a neighborhood’s fabric and address the growing need for housing in our community.
We successfully kept $5.7 million in property tax dollars in the hands of Boiseans, while giving back an additional $1.2 million in property tax rebates to our most vulnerable residents. My proposed 2024 budget includes an expansion of this important property tax rebate program for more homeowners.
The city is also taking meaningful action to address public safety and mental health support, push for the return of passenger train service to our region, and protect Boise parks and open space in perpetuity.
My entire address is available on the city’s website if you’d like to learn more.
Take care and be well, Boise.
The Summer Reading & Learning Celebration is back for another year of family fun! The Boise Public Library, in partnership with Ada Community Library, is hosting this year's event on May 20th, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., at JUMP Boise.
Every year during the months of June, July, and August there is an increase in the number of car crashes that unfortunately result in death or injury. These months are known as the “100 deadliest days.'' Boise Police, Caldwell Police, Idaho Transportation Department, AAA, and the Boise Towne Square Mall are teaming up to remind drivers to stay safe this summer.
Join us this Saturday, May 20th or June 16th for paddle boarding at Quinn's Pond in partnership with Idaho River Sports.
Happy 15th Birthday to The WaterShed! Join us in celebrating this milestone with games and activities, cupcakes, live music, a petting zoo, 4-H feathered friends, and more! Plus, don't miss the public art and water renewal tours. It’s a celebration for everyone!
Explore the variety of public art in Boise with this year’s walking tour season! Guided by members of our Public Art Team, these one-hour walking tours provide a great introduction to the city’s public art collection, including Downtown, the Cultural District, and the WaterShed.
Modern Zoning Code
Join Planning Director Tim Keane and other valley leaders at CityGo's Tireside Chat to discuss mobility and growth in the Treasure Valley!
Contact: Mayor's Office Media Relations