BPD was informed last week that BPD officers involved in Zachary Snow’s death were justified in their actions. Gem County Prosecutor, Erick B. Thomson, determined after reviewing the CITF reports, videos, and applicable law that the officers acted in self-defense and his office would not be taking any action.
“Our hearts go out to the family and loved ones of Zachary Snow. The Boise Police Department values the sanctity of human life, and it pains our officers anytime we face this type of situation. Our condolences go out to the officers and their families as well following this incident.” said Boise Police Chief Ryan Lee. “We thank the Garden City Police Department for leading the Critical Incident Task Force investigation and the Gem County Prosecutor for their thorough review of the incident.”
BPD is now in possession of the Ada County Critical Incident Task Force (CITF) investigation and final report. BPD’s Office of Internal Affairs will review it as part of an internal investigation. The Office of Police Accountability will also conduct an independent review.
The information provided below is a summary of the incident.
On October 27, 2021, around 5:05 pm Boise Police were notified by Ada County dispatch of a possible suicidal subject who may be attempting to jump from an unknown location. For about 25-30 minutes officers received reports that the subject, identified as Zachary Snow, might be at different locations and overpasses. The information provided to officers was that Mr. Snow was suicidal, he had a felony failure to appear warrant and he would run if he saw police. Officers were spread out looking for Mr. Snow and began moving toward S Capitol Blvd & W Myrtle St based on the last information. Officers were planning to check Mr. Snow’s welfare and arrest him on the warrant.
Officers located Mr. Snow in a parking lot near S Capitol Blvd & W Myrtle St. Before approaching him, they had him under surveillance and coordinated a response to prevent him from fleeing. The first officer pulled up in sight of Mr. Snow in an unmarked car and attempted to approach him. The officers initially approached with their firearms holstered. Immediately upon contact, Mr. Snow took a defensive posture and refused commands to show his hands. He pulled a hard black object from his rear waistband and took a shooter's stance imitating that he had a gun. Officers believed he had a gun in hand and that they were going to be fired upon. Two officers then fired their weapons in self-defense.
Mr. Snow sustained multiple gunshot wounds and was transported to a local hospital where he later died of his injuries. The item in Mr. Snow’s hand was determined to be a black, cylinder-shaped, portable speaker.