Who Do I Call at City Hall
Boise’s residents are fortunate to have a safe community and high quality of life, and our neighborhoods are vital to our city’s success. This deals with minor code violations that can have a dramatic impact on neighborhood quality. Boise’s Energize Our Neighborhoods initiative celebrates neighborhoods and aims to improve livability
Code Enforcement and Issues
Here are some common code issues you may experience and who you can contact:
Abandoned Vehicles
Call (208) 570-6120 to report vehicles abandoned on the street longer than 24 hours or abandoned/inoperable vehicles on private property.
Must not be used for storing grass clippings, tree limbs, misc. junk/rubbish; call (208) 972-8150 to report an issue.
Animal Compliance
Dogs must be licensed and on-leash, unless they are in an area where off-leash is permitted. Call (208) 972-8150 to report an issue.
Call Animal Control at (208) 343-3166 to report:
- barking dogs
- dog feces
- dogs at large
- animal carcasses on public property
- animal bites
- animal cruelty and neglect
- loose livestock
- animal hoarding
Grass and Weeds
Grass/weeds 12 or more inches that may be hazardous to the public must be cut to 3 inches or less. Owners are also responsible for maintaining parkways and alleys by their properties. Call (208) 972-8150 to report an issue.
A minimum of 1/2 acre is required to keep livestock; the number allowed depends on type of animal. Roosters are prohibited. Call (208) 972-8150 for issues.
Public Nuisance
Contact Code Compliance about outside litter, debris, car parts, junk vehicles, old furniture, appliances, mattresses, tires, building materials, recyclable materials and trash cans; (208) 972-8150.
Wood Burning Ban
Code Compliance enforces wood stove and fireplace use when the Air Quality Index (AQI) exceeds 73.
Open Burning
Requires Fire Dept. approval. All open burning is prohibited when the AQI exceeds 60. Permits or to report open burning violations, call (208) 377-7351 or call the hotline at (208) 972-8549.
Public Safety
For concerns surrounding public safety and concerns, please use the information below.
If your neighbors are using fireworks that are not considered "safe and sane" (non-aerial fireworks), please call (208) 377-6790. All fireworks are illegal in the Boise Foothills.
Owners are responsible for removing graffiti from their property. To report graffiti, call (208) 377-6790.
Police (Non-Emergency)
Call (208) 377-6790.
You can also use the online reporting system to report a crime in your area. Please be sure you review the details before submitting a crime online.
Neighborhood Watch
Call Boise Police at (208) 570-6071.
If you're interested in setting up your own Neighborhood Watch, or want to see if one is in your area, visit Boise Police.
Prohibited if amplified noise can be clearly heard within residence or at a distance of over 100 feet. To issue a noise complaint, call (208) 377-6790.
Traffic Signage
Contact Ada County Highway District at (208) 387-6140.
Permits & Property
Detached Structures
Detached accessory structures (such as sheds and carports) must be to the side or behind the main structure. Call (208) 608-7100 for questions or concerns.
Non-wood fences in historic districts require a permit. All other residential fences do not require a permit. Max. fence height is 6 ft; in front of a house it is 3 ft for a solid fence or 4 ft for an open-vision fence. Call (208) 608-7100 for questions or concerns.
Grandfather Rights
Legal Non-Conforming Use: Some uses restricted by current zoning regulations are allowed if the use was legally allowed at the time of annexation or law change. Call (208) 608-7100 for questions or concerns.
Home Businesses
Most businesses may be operated out of a home, some require a permit. Call (208) 608- 7100 for questions or concerns.
Irrigation or Canal Water
Call the appropriate irrigation district/canal company/ditch rider or Boise Project Board of Control at (208) 344-1141. For more info, call Idaho Dept. of Water Resources at (208) 287-4800.
For businesses, child care facilities, dogs, solicitor or vendor license information, contact City Clerk at (208) 972-8150 or click here.
For sewer system information, connections, construction, odors or manhole covers, call Public Works at (208) 608-7150.
Most signs require a permit. Temporary signs are not allowed on a public right-of-way. For questions or concerns, call (208) 972-8150.
Real Estate
One per parcel and not on public right-of-way.
Yard Sales
Two yard sales are allowed per residence per calendar year; maximum of three days per sale. Advertising on public property/right-of-way or on power poles is prohibited.
For all questions concerning zoning, call (208) 608-7100.
Parking Issues
For parking issues or questions, please call (208) 972-8150.
- Recreational vehicles cannot be parked in a residential driveway.
- Storing vehicles, boats, motor homes and trailers on a residential street for more than 72 hours is prohibited.
- Parking on unimproved surfaces such as dirt, grass or gravel is prohibited.
- Gravel surfacing is allowed for non-required parking spaces.
- Parking a vehicle for sale, except on your property or at dealer is prohibited.
- Parking commercial vehicles in residential areas, except for pickups and deliveries, is prohibited.
- Parking in alleys over 30 minutes is prohibited. Call (208) 377-6790 to report a concern.
Trash and Recycling
The City of Boise's waste management service, Curb It, handles the trash, recycling and household hazardous waste for residents. You can find information on trash and recycling services, compost and household hazardous waste on Curb It.
© 2025 City of Boise. All rights reserved.
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