Homeowners Association vs. Neighborhood Association

Neighborhood planning is a collaboration between the city and neighborhood associations to guide the future of Boise's neighborhoods. Boise uses a Geographic Area Planning (GAP) program that assigns city planners to specific neighborhoods so they are familiar with the unique issues facing each area.

Boise has over 30 established neighborhood associations. The goal for these associations is to work with their communities to create vibrant and thriving neighborhoods that increase the livability for their residents.

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Homeowners Association vs. Neighborhood Association

Homeowner's Association

Each homeowner in a subdivision pays mandatory monthly or annual dues to the HOA. The dues maintain common property, such as private roads or recreational facilities.

  • FACT: Not all homeowners have a HOA.
  • FACT: HOAs are established when the subdivision/condo is constructed and are a legal entity that can enforce contracts with homeowners.
  • FACT: The HOA board is elected by association members, officers may be elected by membership or by the Board of Directors.
  • FACT: The HOA has no affliation with City of Boise.


  • Architectural controls. Residents are required to submit for approval any modification projects to the home’s exterior.
  • Access to private amenities. For example: walking trails, swimming pools, residential neighborhood parks, etc.
  • Added layer of support in dealing with neighborhood property issues.

Neighborhood Association

People do not pay into their Neighborhood Association. Neighborhood Associations are a volunteer group that focuses on general advocacy and community events, and is a voice between residents and the city.

  • FACT: All residents (renter or homeowner) and businesses (owners and employees) within the NA geography are members.
  • FACT: The NA board is elected by association members, officers may be elected by membership or by the Board of Directors.
  • FACT: NAs have no enforcement powers.
  • FACT: NAs are governed by Bylaws adopted when the NA formed.
  • FACT: NAs are registered with the City of Boise.


  • Structure to bring the neighborhood together to plan and hold social events.
  • Ability to represent the neighborhood and present neighborhood-approved statements at city public hearings.
  • Eligible to apply for capital and/or social projects through the City of Boise Neighborhood Investment Program.

Boise's Neighborhood Associations

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