Neighborhood Investment


Investing in Boise's Neighborhoods

Investing in Boise's Neighborhoods The Neighborhood Investment Program is a partnership between the City of Boise and neighborhood associations in good standing.

The program funds capital construction projects to help enrich the lives of our residents, enhance the identity and quality of life in our neighborhoods, and encourage a strong sense of community.

Movement for Everyone

A more connected community not only creates better, and safer neighborhoods, it also reduces transportation costs, improves air quality and public health. Project applications for Fiscal Year 2026 centered around movement for everyone, with a focus on bicycle and pedestrian safety, are highly recommended.

Eligible Projects

Eligible projects will contribute to strong and healthy neighborhoods through resident involvement and engagement in the identification, planning, and implementation processes. Funded projects will provide a public benefit to all members of the community.

Applications for the 2026 Neighborhood Investment Program is now open through January 31, 2025.


General Requirements

The city’s registered neighborhood associations are eligible to apply for project funding. Individuals, community groups, or schools must work with their neighborhood association to apply. All projects must be located on public property.

All applicants must attend a Neighborhood Investment Workshop and receive Project Manager approval prior to application submission.

Neighborhood Investment timeline infographic

For questions regarding the Neighborhood Investment Program, please contact us.

FY25 Neighborhood Investment Program Project Awards

Neighborhood AssociationProject TitleAmount Awarded
Barber ValleyBus Stop Enhancements$39,300
HighlandsNeighborhood Signs$12,133
HillcrestBike Corrals + Repair Stations$11,000
HillcrestNeighborhood Signs$53,450
North WestWalking Path @ Shadow Hills Elementary$74,726
Warm Springs MesaNeighborhood Signs$25,895
West BenchNeighborhood Analysis$18,000
Winstead ParkOpen Streets Event$30,000
Neighborhood Investment ProgramConstruction Contingency$100,000
Total Neighborhood Investment Program Funds$364,504

FY23 Neighborhood Investment Program Project Awards

Neighborhood AssociationProject TitleAmount Awarded
Central RimJefferson Elementary Walking Path$75,000
SoutheastIvywild Skate Spot$70,000
Veterans ParkNeighborhood Signs$9,500
Boise HeightsNeighborhood Signs$3,365
West EndNeighborhood Signs$8,800
Winstead ParkNeighborhood Signs$5,000
Central FoothillsNeighborhood Signs$7,100
Southwest Ada County AllianceMolenaar Park Volleyball Court$40,000
Neighborhood Investment ProgramConstruction Contingency$100,000

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