Vision Zero
Vision Zero is a growing movement across the country to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries. The concept is deeply rooted in spatial and social equity, ensuring that all users on a street feel safe and like they belong. Implementation of Vision Zero utilizes a multidisciplinary lens to shift the way communities approach traffic safety. Principles include improved traffic and engineering design, data analysis and community engagement to create safer streets. The city has adopted a Vision Zero framework to guide our safety efforts and be more intentional in integrating these elements in our planning processes.
A core tenet of the City of Boise’s Transportation Action Plan (TAP) is expanding mobility choice. Transportation options must be available, convenient, safe, and affordable, in order for there to be a choice as outlined in the TAP. The City of Boise created a Vision Zero Task Force that brought together extensive knowledge and principles in engineering, education, evaluation and planning. The Vision Zero Task Force recommended key actions the city should take to reduce bicycle and pedestrian deaths and serious injuries on our streets.
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