1.02 Policy and Regulation Development - Policy

Document Type: Policy
Number: 1.02
Effective: 05-01-06
Revised: 02-14-12
Legal References: Reso # 21605


It is the intent of the Council to develop policies and put them in writing so that they may serve as guidelines for its own operations and for the successful and efficient functioning of Boise City.

The Council considers policy development one of its chief responsibilities. Proposals regarding policies may originate with a member of the Council, the Mayor, an employee, consultant, civic group, or any community member. A careful and orderly process shall be used in examining such proposals prior to City Council action. The Council may take action after hearing the recommendations of the Mayor and the viewpoints of persons and groups that the policy affects.

The Council delegates to the Mayor or designee the function of formulating administrative rules designed to carry out the Council’s policies. These administrative rules are known as regulations. The Mayor or designee shall provide the Council a timely electronic copy of each regulation. The Council reserves the right to veto regulations should they, in the Council’s judgment, be inconsistent with the policies adopted.

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