Chronolog Timelapse Series

Chronolog, a community/citizen science project, helps organizations like the City of Boise crowd-source photos to create timelapse videos like the ones below. These videos, with help from you, create new phenological records and identify shifts in vegetation, seasonal patterns of water flowing through important riparian areas, and landscape changes as a result of management interventions. So next time you are visiting Hyatt Hidden Lakes, Hawkins Range Reserve, or Hulls Gulch - pop your phone in the bracket, snap a photo, then email the photo to the address on the sign. You will receive the up-to-date timelapse and the satisfaction of participating in environmental monitoring!

Aren't currently in Boise?

Learn more about City of Boise Parks and Recreation's stations or visit the Chronolog website to find a station near you!

Chronolog post in the Boise Foothills

Hulls Gulch - Red Cliffs

Hyatt Hidden Lakes Reserve

Hawkins Range Reserve

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