Hulls Gulch Reserve

3001 N. Sunset Peak Rd., Boise

Hulls Gulch Reserve is a 292-acre site north of downtown Boise at the base of the foothills. Unfortunately, this area like much of the lower Boise Foothills, is under attack by invasive species to include Russian olivecereal ryewhite toppoison hemlockscotch cottonthistle and more. Learn about current biological conditions of the reserve here, based on data collected in 2018. Invasive plants are a leading cause of declines in native plant and animal numbers, and out-compete and displace native plants that many native wildlife species depend on for food and cover.

In keeping with the Open Space Matters Reserve Master Plan, the City of Boise began a restoration project in 2018 to improve riparian and upland features and functions, including wildlife habitat and water quality, while balancing recreation and public access in the area. The restoration project has the following three goals:

  • Reduce invasive species and maintain populations overtime
  • Establish structurally complex riparian and upland habitat using diverse, native plant species
  • Enhance and protect existing habitat and increase the diversity and abundance of wildlife species utilizing the area

Learn more about the restoration efforts below.

Hours of Operation

Park is open from sunrise to sunset.


3001 Sunset Peak Rd

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There is limited parking near the reserve.

Smoking Prohibition

Smoking and vaping are prohibited in all City of Boise parks, including within 20 feet of the Boise River Greenbelt, except in designated areas within Ann Morrison and Julia Davis Parks and at city-owned golf courses.


Unauthorized vehicles will be towed at owner's risk and expense. You can contact Boise Valley Towing by calling (208) 389-9707.

About Hulls Gulch

The name "Hulls Gulch" comes from the ephemeral creek that runs from higher up in the foothills through the middle of this property. The reserve is home to two trailheads (The Grove and Lower Hulls Gulch) that are the starting point for some of the 180 miles of Ridge to Rivers trails in the foothills. Hikers, mountain bikers, dog walkers, runners and horseback riders enjoy the trails in this area. Common wildlife seen throughout the year in Hulls Gulch includes great horned owls, kestrel, coyotes, mule deer, red fox and species of snakes and lizards. There are specific rules and regulations regarding dogs in the foothills. 

The reserve is also home to the Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center (FLC), operated by the Boise Parks and Recreation Department. The FLC sits on the site of the former McCord house. It is dedicated to promote-through environmental education, service opportunities and outreach-the preservation and responsible use of the Foothills; and to foster an understanding and appreciation of our place in the natural world. This center was envisioned in the 2000 Foothills Open Space Management Plan and became a reality when its doors opened on April 22, 2005. Visit Boise Environmental Education for more information.

Hulls Gulch Reserve History

The majority of this reserve was acquired through a community wide citizen effort over a three-year period from 1991 to 1993. The initial parcel of land – 99 acres – was purchased in the early 1990s through a land trade with United Water, the parent company of Orida Investment Corporation.

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