A decade after the dedication of Julia Davis Park, the first area Rotary Club was established in 1917. Today, there are 46 Rotary Clubs statewide serving Idahoans.
In June of 2009, a collective of Boise area clubs, led by then-District Governor-Elect Bret Vaterlaus, committed their support to name the Rotary Grand Plaza of Julia Davis Park, under the ethos of Service Above Self and the tenants of the Rotary Four Way Test:
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build good will and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
The eight Boise-area Rotary Clubs that collaborated to raise funds for and name the Rotary Grand Plaza in Julia Davis Park are the Rotary Clubs of Boise, Boise Centennial, Boise Metro, Boise Southwest, Boise Sunrise, Boise East, Boise West and Eagle/Garden City.
Read more about Rotary District 5400.