When Shopping
- Park in well-lit areas close to your destination.
- Be mindful of your surroundings and the things you're carrying. Don't overload yourself with packages or become distracted by your cell phone.
- If you are shopping with children, make a plan in case you are separated from each other. Select a central meeting place and teach them to ask store personnel or security for help if they need it.
- Pick restrooms in well-lit and well-trafficked areas. Always accompany children to the restroom.
- Always know where the closest exit is located in case of fire or another emergency.
- Carry you purse close to your body or your wallet inside a coat or front pocket.
- Carry only the cash or credit cards you will need on a particular day. Don’t display large amounts of cash.
- Wait until asked before taking out your credit card or checkbook. An enterprising thief would love to shoulder surf to get your account information.
- Have your keys in hand when approaching your vehicle. Check the back seat before getting in.
- Do not leave packages visible in your car windows. Lock them in the trunk or take them directly home.