Library Board of Trustees

Per state statue, the Boise Public Library Board of Trustees govern the Library and aid it in serving its mission to improve community members' quality of life by supporting their efforts to enhance knowledge, realize creative potential, and share ideas and stories. Trustees uphold the Library’s values and commitments to intellectual freedom, universal access, innovation, and providing a world class experience for all members of the community. In addition to providing fiscal and policy oversight, the Trustees appoint and review the Library Director. By law, Library Boards in Idaho are responsible, rather than advisory boards.

With five voting members, the board represents, as much as possible, the diverse spectrum of users who enjoy all that Boise has to offer. Geographic diversity, as well as expertise and experience in areas relevant to the board’s purpose, are considered in the appointment process. Trustees are selected by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.

Board Meeting Information

Meetings are held in a hybrid format allowing both virtual and in-person attendance.


Second Wednesday of every month at 11:30 a.m.


Main Library, 715 S Capitol Blvd, Boise, ID 83702
Marion Bingham Room


About the Board Members

The Library Board of Trustees has five members who serve five-year terms. Board members can serve two terms.

Nicole Trammel Pantera headshot

Nicole Trammel Pantera

Appointed July 2021

Rebecca Lemmons

Rebecca Lemmons


Appointed July 2022

Reshma Kamal

Reshma Kamal


Appointed 2023

Brian Klene headshot

Brian Klene


Appointed July 2021

Ron Pisaneschi

Ron Pisaneschi


Appointed 2023

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