What crime data is being shown?
Our crime stats reflect what is defined by Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) and National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) standards as Group A Crimes. This includes crimes such as Murder, Assaults, Fraud, and Drug charges. Some crimes like DUIs or Runaways fall under Group B Crimes in UCR. We do not have data on Group B Crimes in our portal at this time, but we hope to include this data set in the future. Currently that data can be found on the Idaho State UCR Repository.
What is the date range of the data presented?
Our crime stats reflect a rolling 5-year period and are recent up to 10 days ago. For example, if you are looking at our map on October 1, 2023, the oldest date you would see is January 1, 2018, and the most recent would be around September 21, 2023, depending on time of day.
How is BPD's crime data measured?
Our crime statistics are based on a count of charges in a case that is reported to the state. When reporting our statistics to the State, we follow the standards laid out by the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS). So, in reviewing our data we elected to only include charges that are reported to the state in our portal.
Why are some crime categories showing a different count when compared to the annual reporting from the State?
Following National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) standards, the State does a count of victim per charge per case for certain crimes. We are only presenting individual charges per case. Our data is also more up to date, as our map shows data as recent as 10 days ago, whereas we only submit crimes to the State on a monthly basis.
What is the source for BPD's crime data?
We use our Records Management System (RMS) as our source for crime data. When an incident occurs, the data is entered and processed into our RMS. We have a team dedicated to reviewing cases and ensuring our crime stats are accurate and timely for submission to the State on a monthly basis. Part of our reason for implementing a 10-day delay in publishing the data is to allow our team to review cases/charges.
Are any crimes not included in the data?
Yes. Some limitations have been placed on the data that makes it to our Portal. Some examples of this included a case that we may have a report for but is sent to an outside agency because it occurred in another jurisdiction or a case involving a sex crime. It is worth noting that while sex crimes are not viewable on the map, you can still view the overall data of certain sex crimes in a table format here. In some cases, releasing information preliminarily could jeopardize an investigation and in those limited instances the data may be delayed showing up on the portal.