Trails Reopen After Seasonal Closures in the Boise Foothills

March 21, 2024

Thanks to warmer weather and drying conditions, a variety of Ridge to Rivers trails that were closed during the winter to protect the trail tread are once again open for use including:

Ridge to Rivers trail team members removed the fencing and signage in recent days after checking the condition of each trail. This was the first season many of these trails were closed to protect them from damage, and results show this pilot was very successful in protecting the integrity of the trail tread from rutting and widening in muddy conditions.

Please note, the following areas and trails remain closed to protect wildlife and important habitat:

When wet weather returns this spring, please continue to practice good trail etiquette. If you reach a muddy stretch of trail and you’re leaving tracks, it’s time to turn back! Learn more about Ridge to Rivers and view spring trail condition updates on the interactive map by clicking here.

Contact: Parks and Recreation Media Relations

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