Food and Beverage

All restaurants (eating/drinking establishments and vendors) must obtain a license from the City of Boise. The permit must be posted in a conspicuous place. Licenses must be renewed annually. If the Central District Health Department suspends or revokes their license, the City of Boise license will also be suspended or revoked.

Food and Beverage Application Covers

Eating and Drinking

Eating and drinking for normal restaurant operations.

For your license renewal, you will need to supply the following documents (if applicable):

  • Updated business information. This includes, but is not limited to, mailing address, business contacts, e-mail address, and/or phone numbers.
  • Current Central District Health Permit or low-risk letter from CDH.
Alcohol Beverage License

License to serve alcohol at a restaurant.

If your location dispenses alcohol, you will also need to include the following documents:

  • Current & signed Idaho State Alcohol Beverage License
  • Current & signed Ada County Alcohol Beverage License

New Application

The City of Boise now allows you to apply for your license online. First time users of this system will be required to set up an account

Once you have logged in, click "Apply > License" from the top menu. Select the applicable application from the license menu and apply.

Renew Existing License

Once you have set up your account through our online portal, contact the City Clerk's office to link your online account to your existing license. Be sure to have your existing license number available.

After logging in, select "My Records" from the Home menu. You will find your renewal in the list of your current licenses.


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