Message from the Chief
I am pleased to present to you the 2023 Annual Report for the Boise Fire Department. As your Fire Chief, it is my privilege to welcome you to this comprehensive overview of our department's achievements, outcomes, and the remarkable strides we have made throughout the past year.
This report encapsulates the dedication, commitment, and unwavering effort put forth by our entire staff of firefighters, inspectors, training and logistics staff, planning and admin staff, as well as our community partners. Together, we have relentlessly pursued our mission to protect lives, property, and the environment within the vibrant City of Boise.
Our success would not have been possible without the continuous support and collaboration of the Boise community. We remain deeply grateful for your trust, cooperation, and engagement in our efforts to create a safer environment for all.
I invite you to delve into the 2023 Annual Report, a testament to the dedication and professionalism of the men and women who serve the mission every day. Together, let us continue to work hand in hand to build a resilient and safer future for Boise.
With gratitude and a commitment to serve,
–Chief Niemeyer