
This goes in your compost cart

Leaves, weeds and organic yard waste go in your compost cart. Please make sure collected yard waste is free of pet waste and non-organic matter like pet toys.

Contents should fit inside the cart with the lid closed. On overfilled cart can spill when lifted by the truck's mechanical arm and therefore may not be collected.

Once your cart is full, use paper leaf bags to collect additional yard waste. Leaf bags are collected year-round. Set out up to 10 additional leaf bags next to your full compost cart on your regular collection day, leaving at least 3 feet of space between the bags and the cart. If you place more than 10 leaf bags at the curb, only 10 bags will be collected each week until all bags have been collected.

If you place leaf bags at the curb, you must also leave your compost cart at the curb, even if it is empty. The compost collection driver will need to place the leaf bags into your cart, then operate the truck’s mechanical arm to lift the cart and tip the bags into the truck.

Never use plastic bags for leaf collection: they will not be collected. Plastic bags are a compost contaminant.

How to Collect Tree branches, stumps and limbs

Raking leaves

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Please note: If you have a question about your bill, please contact Utility Billing Services.