Media Kit

In the Know weekly e-Newsletter

The materials below are available for use by members of the media when reporting about the City of Boise. If you require further resources or support, please contact the Office of Community Engagement at

Press Contacts

Mayor's OfficeMaria Weegmweeg@cityofboise.org208-972-8494
Strategic InitiativesMaria Weegmweeg@cityofboise.org208-972-8494
AirportShawna Samuelsonssamuelson@cityofboise.org208-972-8396
Arts & HistoryJennifer Yribarjyribar@cityofboise.org208-608-7051
LibraryJosh Letsingerjletsigner@cityofboise.org208-972-8205
Parks and RecreationBonnie Sheltonbshelton@cityofboise.org208-608-7647
Planning and Development ServicesLindsay Moserlmoser@cityofboise.org208-972-8496
Public WorksMelissa Stonermstoner@cityofboise.org208-972-8571
Public SafetyHaley Williamshiwilliams@cityofboise.org208-570-6182

City of Boise Logo Download

The City of Boise offers certain photographs and its City logo/seal here in high-resolution formats for non-commercial use in print and online materials for news media purposes only.

By downloading any of the “Media” (i.e., photos and logo provided on this webpage), you are granted a limited, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to use the Media solely in accordance with the Terms of Use. Except for the limited licenses granted herein, the City of Boise reserves all rights not expressly granted, and no such additional rights may be implied.

Terms of Use for Media

Media may only be used to accompany news media stories, reports, and editorials about the City of Boise. Media may not be used for paid advertisements, production of promotional or retail items, promotion of real estate or relocation services, endorsements of businesses, agencies, or other private entities, or for private uses. Media may not be altered or changed from their originals or otherwise used to create derivate works.

If you have any questions regarding the rights offered to use the Media on this webpage, please contact the Office of Community Engagement at

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