Manitou Park

2001 S. Manitou Ave., Boise

Manitou Park is an 11-acre park with mature shade trees and a large open area in a well-established Southeast Boise neighborhood. A covered picnic shelter is available in the park on a first come, first served basis.  


Boise Parks and Recreation has implemented a programming schedule and hours of play for the tennis and pickleball courts at Manitou Park. These changes were made to address noise concerns raised by residents who live around this neighborhood park while balancing continued use of the popular pickleball courts at this park location.

The tennis and pickleball courts at Manitou Park are open Tuesday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. During the winter months, the courts close at sunset. Boise Parks and Recreation reserves the right to use and program the courts when they are open for use. The courts will be locked in the evenings when play wraps up and unlocked in the morning at 8 a.m. so play can resume. The courts are closed on Sundays and Mondays.

Any person(s) who attempts to remove the locks or enter the court after hours may be subject to penalty under Boise City Code sections 5-3-1(A) or 7-7A-11, or Idaho Codes 18-7008 and 18-7001.

We appreciate your cooperation as we work to find a compromise for all who visit and live in close proximity to Manitou Park. If you have any questions or feedback about this change, please contact Boise Parks and Recreation via email to connect with staff.

Hours of Operation

Park is open from sunrise to sunset.


2001 S Manitou Ave

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There is limited parking on site.


Restrooms are now closed and park drinking fountains are turned off for the winter.

For a list of restrooms and portable restrooms that are available year around in parks and the reserves, click link below.

Park Restroom Information

Portable restrooms are provided throughout the winter.


This park has one basketball court, available on a first come, first served basis.

Dog Off-Leash

Dogs and their owners should be sure to follow the city's leash ordinance going to and coming from the dog park, and follow the dog off-leash rules and regulations while visiting the park. Learn more.

Of the 11 acres, 5.1 acres are available for off-leash use during designated hours. The approved area is the open field on the north end of the park defined by the berm on the south side and the property lines on the east, north and west ends of the park. There are signs with maps identifying the approved area installed at the park for user reference.

Dogs are allowed off leash in the designated area in the mornings, sunrise to 10:00 a.m., and evenings, 4:00 p.m. to Sunset. Dogs must be on a leash at all other times during the day.

Map of Designated Area:

Open Play Areas

Open play areas are cut grass spaces that provide opportunities for healthy recreational activities for people of all ages.


Playground is for ages 2-12.

Playground surface material is wood chips.


Pickleball Court Rules

* 4 dedicated pickleball courts
* 2 lined bring your own pickleball net courts
* 1 tennis court lined for pickleball with use of the tennis net


Boise Parks and Recreation has implemented a programming schedule and hours of play for the tennis and pickleball courts at Manitou Park. These changes were made to address noise concerns raised by residents who live around this neighborhood park while balancing continued use of the popular pickleball courts at this park location.

The tennis and pickleball courts at Manitou Park are open Tuesday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. During the winter months, the courts close at sunset. Boise Parks and Recreation reserves the right to use and program the courts when they are open for use. The courts will be locked in the evenings when play wraps up and unlocked in the morning at 8 a.m. so play can resume. The courts are closed on Sundays and Mondays.

Any person(s) who attempts to remove the locks or enter the court after hours may be subject to penalty under Boise City Code sections 5-3-1(A) or 7-7A-11, or Idaho Codes 18-7008 and 18-7001.

We appreciate your cooperation as we work to find a compromise for all who visit and live in close proximity to Manitou Park. If you have any questions or feedback about this change, please contact Boise Parks and Recreation via email to connect with staff.


Restrooms are now closed and park drinking fountains are turned off for the winter.

For a list of restrooms and portable restrooms that are available year around in parks and the reserves, click link below.

Park Restroom Information

Portable restrooms are provided throughout the winter.


This park has two tennis courts open to the public for drop-in play. Reservations are not available at this location.

Smoking Prohibition

Smoking and vaping are prohibited in all City of Boise parks, including within 20 feet of the Boise River Greenbelt, except in designated areas within Ann Morrison and Julia Davis Parks and at city-owned golf courses.


Unauthorized vehicles will be towed at owner's risk and expense. You can contact Boise Valley Towing by calling (208) 389-9707.

Master Plan

The Master Plan is a concept drawing illustrating recreation facilities and landscape features planned for a park site.  It does not necessarily represent what amenities are currently in a park.

Download Master plan

Practice Fields

Fields are scheduled and reserved for local soccer organizations and partners by Boise Parks and Recreation. Usually weekdays or early evenings are available for drop-in use (first-come, first-serve).

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